Already the whisper is here; and if there are those who wish to "know themselves," if they pause for a second to listen for it, it is theirs for the asking for within us lies a clue to who we really are.
INGO SWANN (September 14, 1933 - January 31, 2013) was internationally known as an advocate and researcher of the exceptional powers of the human mind and body, and as a leading figure in governmental and scientific projects to investigate and identify the scope of subtle human perceptions.
After his time with the covert US Government program known by its last iteration, Star Gate, Ingo – who earned the title of Father of Remote Viewing for his development of Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV), a technique used by psychic spies in the program – went back to his residence at 357 Bowery in New York City's East Village. For the next two decades, Ingo hosted a diverse array of guests in his home, including visionary artists, Science Fiction icons, politicians, government officials, celebrities, UFO enthusiasts and researchers, conspiracy theorists, shamans, astrologers, New Age believers, and even regular neighborhood friends. They all came to meet the man whose mind was rumored to be more powerful than a nuclear bomb. Ingo had an extraordinary career that was shrouded in secrecy, with much of his work still classified today. He has been referenced and quoted in hundreds of books and articles across multiple languages and has written introductions for dozens more. His contributions remain foundational in the field of human consciousness studies, but he was also a mysterious figure who often defied categorization. As Ingo himself once said when asked about his life and its many mysteries, "As Salvador Dali would say, it's a life gone wild."
Among the many questions that have been asked is the question of how it was, in the first place, that "psychic" abilities came to reside in me. ... In trying to structure an answer to the question of how it is that I in particular seem to possess paranormal abilities, it is probably best to say that somewhere in my vision of life I have found the daring to disagree with a good deal of what [humans] hold to be true about [themselves]. Many of [our] favoured concepts of [ourselves] are not true. [We] ARE much more than all existent concepts put together.
There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about Ingo. We hope you enjoy our site!
Ingo wrote, "Anacalypsis is a Greek word means an uncovering, a revelation or an unveiling. In its most ancient and proper dramatic sense it meant a tearing away of the veil." Below is Ingo's Anacalypsis, an unfinished and unedited version of what he called his Psychic Autobiography...still in the format he was working on when he passed away in 2013.
From: Panel from the Philip K. Dick Film Festival
From: SEE - Psychic Trainer
From: the Supernatural Explorer Podcast
From: New Thinking Allowed
Truth is self-evident to all who can perceive it. Truth cannot be managed, only lies can be managed.
I join a very long list of those who have seen and experienced things they cannot prove happened...
Ingo separates his book Penetration into three distinct parts. In the first portion, he shares his encounters in the secretive realm of UFOs and non-human entities, including his experiences on the dark side of the Moon. The second section delves into the Hollow Moon theory, proposing that the Moon is not a natural celestial body and may have been intentionally placed by unknown forces. Ingo uses the third part to explain how these non-human beings are actively suppressing our natural telepathic abilities, knowing it is our only true weapon against them. The Updated Special Edition of the book includes information and notes from Ingo's Remote Viewing sessions with Harold Sherman in the 1970s and a group session in the 1980s focusing on Mars. Both sessions reveal evidence of an ancient civilization that met a devastating end.
Many have questioned the authenticity of the first part, and in some ways it was "fictional." In reality, the stories were tools created by Ingo to intertwine various real-life experiences and events in order to conceal a larger truth. The title of the book itself may offer some insight into this. In the beginning pages, Ingo provides a definition of "penetration," and its placement is likely a direct reflection of why he chose that word. However, his true sentiments can be seen in his own words from the book:
"Anyone with more than a mere superficial interest in Psi phenomena must of course encounter the rather smelly morass of social resistance whereby the authenticity of those phenomena is methodically deconstructed, thus suspending them in doubt.There is some rather clear truth in this. Indeed, it is because of this truth that some echelons of humans are at war with the Psi potentials of the human species because those echelons have motivations they would prefer never to be disclosed via Psi penetration."
In Ingo's 1992 FATE Magazine article, he mentions his correspondence with ancient astronaut theorist Raymond Drake which began in 1968 after reading Drake's book Gods and Spacemen in the Ancient East. This connection lasted for fifteen years and resulted in Drake thanking Ingo in his 1974 book Gods and Spacemen of the Ancient Past. In this book, Drake talks about the sudden appearances and disappearances of UFOs as manifestations from invisible worlds, caused by changes in frequencies. He goes on to suggest that there may be frequencies of matter beyond what we can sense with our physical senses, coexisting within each other. This idea is also reflected in Ingo's book title, highlighting the concept of penetration between different worlds or dimensions.
He knew what was at stake if he fully disclosed anything, so he opted to withhold the truth. Instead, he created a series of clues like a treasure map and waited for the right time for those involved to come forward - whether it be due to their conscience overpowering their fear or through carefully planned leaks - for documents to be made public and interviews to occur. It was uncertain if this would happen during his lifetime, but his book would remain as a resource, patiently waiting to be deciphered.
His message based on what he believed owing to his experiences, his encounters, his research, and ultimately his conclusions...
In 1994, Ingo started working on Penetration as a part of Project Moondrop. The records for this project are now located in his archives at the University of West Georgia. The original plan was for the book to be a summary of something much larger - an explanation of his long-held belief that the past is a complex combination of various factors.
He believed there were the inheritors of technology most likely thanks to contact with entities from another dimension, the "others," made by the Nazis, the technology serving as reparations to both the East and the West after World War II, some knowing the full story aligning themselves with these "others," enshrining themselves with power and wealth continuing to build what is often referred to as the New World Order, but at a great cost to humanity, and some not knowing the true inheritance of that technology and the cost of it, as things are highly compartmentalized in the clandestine world, bumped up right against it.
Overwhelmed by what this latter group found Ingo believed, that extra-dimensional intelligences located not out in space rather right here on Earth, with ill-intent, could take control of people, their thoughts, experiences, memories, and even their bodies, and employ all sorts of identities through telepathic means, the Air Force under the direction of the DIA and probably the CIA too resorted not to fighting it, at least not then and not overtly, as most likely that ability was far beyond anything anyone could do, but instead to establishing a public UFO disinformation campaign on one hand while some decided to secretly work on understanding and exploiting the technology, he found, and more importantly eliciting ESP at the Air Force's premier research laboratory on electronics, signals, systematic countermeasures, and communications on the other.
The goal then perhaps fractured even more he thought. One group set on unpuzzling the nature of telepathic communications so extrasensory means could be used both offensively and defensively to understand these other dimensional beings and their technology, while other groups he encountered sought to covertly profit from them by using that same said tech and using it for their own ends.
Amidst all the chaos, Ingo discovered that all parties were working towards the same goal: keeping the public in the dark. However, with a rise in UFO sightings, it became evident that simply using disinformation tactics would not suffice. And so, during the same time frame as other events, Ingo believed that the CIA, utilizing information from former Nazi scientists and mind control experts who had relocated to America through Operation Paperclip, launched their own mind control program known as Project Bluebird. This program aimed to manipulate the population by altering their thoughts and behaviors on a mass scale - but this quickly spiraled out of control under Project MKULTRA and morphed into something even more sinister. Meanwhile, the Air Force revived their own project, Blue Book, which seemed to serve as nothing more than a distraction.
All the while behind the scenes, Ingo believed, the New World Order took over and advanced an ancient astronaut and extra-terrestrial narrative to hide the abject evil they are engaged in and how they and the "others" are using frequencies to electronically harass, attack, and influence us.
Then there was Mars and the Moon. Thanks to his RV sessions of these two, he found there had been an advanced civilization on Mars, who over time had developed devastatingly destructive weapons which led to a nuclear holocaust planet wide. This forced a Martian evacuation to Earth he believed. But the Martians needed bio-programming to live here in a land of their own, which they did on the Moon, he theorized, an interstellar forward station, an artificial satellite which had been used as an incubator for and sustainer of life on Earth by someone else out there.
But the Martians evacuation put them, and what would be us, as he believed they intermixed with Earth's own developing race of humanity, on a collision course with the "others” who lived here albeit, in another dimension. When global catastrophes, ones recorded in ancient civilizations the world over, wiped out a great portion of the former Martian empire, what remained of the former Martians, now bio-programmed for Earth, began spreading across the globe, he contended. As they did, they left behind knowledge in "libraries" buried in chambers below large carved monuments, ones which resembled the ones they left behind on Mars, only smaller, since everything, including their own new bodies, were smaller too, in the places where they had found new homes, among the people they began sharing their genes and abilities with, the "others" began plotting. The "others'" mission, growing more perverse and eviler and encompassing more and more of humanity with each passing day: to rid the planet of or or perhaps instead to simply manipulate/control/feed on its pollutants (that is humans). He believed the only way to protect ourselves from this was the rekindling of our innate abilities which had been programmed into us thanks to our gene mixing with the former Martians.
This happening while beings from other planets, solar systems even, with bases not unlike those on the Moon, which the the modern world, as Ingo most likely saw, tried to take command over and operate, continue to watch us from afar and or maybe even closer than we know.
Meaning it is quite possible, he theorized, these someones may have visited from time to time as recorded in antiquity's myths and legends to see how things were coming along, or maybe we are and have always just been a tourist destination, a sidetrack excursion from their mundane existence, and they are acting as "space police" like interstellar bouncers and we are the trendy night club. In such exploits could they have crash landed on our planet, and their craft recovered, that is possible too, like a Roswell group RV session he participated in, or even his "fictional" unpublished manuscript Maverick Star Buster*, point to.
Despite the potential consequences for himself and his family, Ingo felt compelled to spread a message to humanity. A message that boiled down to this: only consciousness can save us. But it was not as simple as that. The Free Love movement of the 1960s represented a similar idea, but ultimately failed as those hippies grew up and joined the rat race with their own families. The world is still plagued by poverty, racism, greed, and corruption, and individuals still struggle to find their true identity and a sense of hope for the future. Ingo believed that a deeper consciousness was necessary, yet the focus remained on individual pursuits rather than collective understanding. His books, Purple Fables and Master of Harmlessness, reflected these ideas.
We cannot see it, Ingo would say, because of our reality boxes, our limitations which we fit ourselves into happily, content with our thinking that our limited world view is the only reality. A poignant example of this in Ingo's book The Great Apparitions of Mary: the apparition in 1896 at Tilly-sur-Seulles, France. As Ingo described it in the book, it was "the only one to have taken place during an epoch of general calm and prosperity. No one could imagine the enormous horrors soon to come. The Age of Anarchy (1903-1909) followed almost immediately upon this apparition, and then World War I."
Regarding the apparition directly, Ingo says, "A large number of witnesses began describing features accompanying the apparition that others could not see such as saints, angels, demons, devils, and other assorted edifying or horrible figures which revolved around the apparition proper in what today might be called 'special effects.'"
As to physical reactions occurring, Ingo notes, "A thirteen-year-old girl, named Jeanne Bellanger, had trances in which her whole body was contorted; while she knelt in ecstasy her spine curved back until her neck touched the heels of her boots. The 'sight of this was so painful' that many who looked on it were 'positively ill.'" Theses visions and physical contorted conditions lasted in viewers until 1899.
Why was it of such profound importance to Ingo, that comes via what happened in the years following the end of the apparitions: Barely fourteen years after the events at Tilly, the north of France, especially the broad area around Tilly-sur-Seulles, was plunged into World War I. The area around Tilly and the Normandy coastline became an apocalyptic wasteland of fighting, trenches, mud, deadly gas weapons, insanity, slime, disease, and death, with thousands of rotting bodies and mass graves. In fact, the spines of dead bodies if left unattended for a time, will retract causing the head and lower limbs to arch backward until they meet, exactly as happened to many of the convulsionnaires during the apparition. What Ingo imparted upon us regarding this was without a frame of reference, the world had no way to truly understand the message implicit in this apparition, the evil images, the contorted bodies of the viewers; only in hindsight was it ever able to be understood.
Therefore as the various other players in the his life's saga turned in a myriad of directions, Ingo focused on the messages themselves, or conceivably how to relay these messages. Which in a broader sense perhaps was Ingo's fate all along.
After no one really seemed to get his drift and he was forced to watch the world fall deeper under a dark spell, all the while knowing his days in this life were coming to an end, he wondered if he had managed to change anyone's consciousness or made any difference whatsoever. His message which seemed to grow increasingly lost:
If of life you keep a care,
Shake off slumber, and beware:
Awake, awake!
It is these very thoughts he shared in an interview with Thomas Streicher printed in Streicher's book Extra-Planetary Experiences: Alien-Human Contact and the Expansion of Consciousness. He left what he would call this plane of existence in 2013, with the thought that what the world does with anything will be now up to the world.
As to what is now up to the world, Ingo tells Bell during that interview: "Everything is in my book [meaning Penetration] if you put the pieces together you will come up with a story." A story he implies is being prevented from coming together by the powers. To which Bell adds: "sure have lots of good reading between the lines for us." We can almost hear Ingo smiling, and that we do.
Part of this puzzle piece decoding from Penetration and other sources can be found in the pages on this website, in the three sections of: Non Human Entities, UFOs/UAPs, and Planetary Explorations.
We invite you to discover his story, his adventures, his un-coverings, if you will, but ultimately his message, how we are so much more than we are told we are.
*Maverick Star-Buster was the working title of what would have been, as Ingo described it, "a literary pop, a contemporary fairy-tale of good and evil, fantasy and adventure, the various intrigues, and situations of which can easily be seen today." Its subplots were to have included among others, "the situational involvement of the clergy, the military, and the press as well as the governmental structure." Unfinished, it was written by Ingo in the late 1960s. The story revolves around UFO visitors in a flying saucer, a large ship which has been stolen by space children who are on a kind of joyride and have come to Earth as it is off-limits for space peoples, a UFO contactee who sees them and then is taken by them to the Moon where he is “enhanced,” psychiatrists who use corrective actions (i.e. hydro baths and shock therapy) to subdue the contactee's "visions," the clergy, including the Pope, who take varying positions on the matter: they are either angels or the Anti-Christ and his horde of demons, US congressional members who support the Pentagon’s anti-saucer protocols, those which mandate the contactee's experience is to be assigned to the realm of imagination, the Powers of the planet who track such otherworldly vehicles and send people and planes to capture the "tech," otherworldly, or as they are called in the manuscript, interstellar, space police, one of whose own vehicles has crashed landed on Earth, experts in the form of college professors, fronts for the government, who rally the press both for and against the existence of such otherworldly vehicles, a Mother ship which has arrived to survey the situation and hides behind the Moon, containing representatives of a "suppressive society where no one is allowed to be any different from another, but when creativity is to be required, they kidnap intelligent and promising children from other planets and breed them for special use," and Doomsday prophets who see UFOs as a sign and lead people to their deaths.