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For questions about the American Visionary Art Museum:
For questions about the Ingo Swann collection at the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art contact:
For questions about the Ingo Swann collection contact:
The Ingo Swann Finding Aid
For questions about the Ingo Swann collection at the University of West Georgia contact: Blynne Olivieri, Head of Special Collections at or 678-839-5455.
Ingo's Finding Aid
For questions about obtaining permissions to use Ingo Swann's name, materials/works, and certain images of him and/or his artwork contact:
We love to answer questions about Ingo!
“My assessments inform me that in terms of research and application the greatest amount of money (in the billions) is in the direction of creating possible biological automata and of the perfecting of various effective forms of mass mind control systems. … It seems probable therefore that many nations will within the next ten years have to sustain an uneducated, unemployable and unproductive majority which will become correspondingly reactive. Naturally I am prepared and eager to find myself wrong. But I can send you three feet of recent reports and papers from various large research centers which together reflect the questionable motivations of the quite invisible benefactors behind such developments. This seems the isness to me.”
-- Ingo Swann, 1973
Ingo’s great wish for humanity was the freeing of one’s own mind and the untethering of humanity’s awesome potentials, and as such, as we stand on the edge of the great precipice called AI, we reiterate our policy that any request for a license or for any other permission to use Ingo’s name, likeness, or any representation of him, or any materials authored or created by him, must go to Swann-Ryder Productions, LLC. Unless you are granted explicit and express permission by us, you do not have the right to use Ingo’s name or likeness, or representation thereof, in any way, including in any AI in any media whatsoever.
As new technologies emerge, we call upon Ingo’s message to humanity. A message rooted first and foremost in what Ingo called the psychic renaissance: a reawakening that would dawn as the veils placed on knowledge by both materialism (science) and spirituality (religion) begin to fade, revealing the magnificent potentials inbuilt in us all. And once the veils were gone, the way to realize our potentials, Ingo believed, was by means of firsthand experience, experience earned through one’s personal struggle and success. For as he wrote in Resurrecting the Mysterious:
“… a ‘universe’ built only out of second-hand information is an empty one that can collapse, as they so often do, sometimes with catastrophic psychological and psychic results. A neurosis or psychosis is a collapsed second-hand intellectual structure.
“Definitely, one should not try to penetrate too far into the paranormal using only the second-hand intellectual method. You will be in mental quicksand before too long and become a psychic wreck at that. Look at it this way. Truth is self-evident to all who can perceive it. Truth cannot be managed. Only lies can be managed….
“At any rate, as humanity now nervously gears itself up to limp into the third millennium with a tattered planet and ragged minds searching for solutions not to be found in anything out of the past, the time has come to unveil psychic realization. This precious quality must be rescued from the terrible hunts of materialism and spirituality. And, like any other true truth (forgive the redundancy added for emphasis), it cannot begin with intellectualization (which is always, always cloaked in veils), but must begin with personal experience.”
Ingo’s papers, writings and other archived materials are available at the University of West Georgia through the Swann-Ryder Acquisition and Collaboration Endowment. Our goal has been, and will always continue to be, to help make materials available to seekers so that they can experience them firsthand.
As we move forward into a new dawn of technology and the marvels before us, we call upon humanity to tread lightly in this new frontier and to not willingly succumb to what Ingo called empty information.
Many of Ingo's furnishings and books have found a home at the High Line Hotel in New York City, New York. In addition, an out-of-body cocktail experience awaits at The High Line Hotel’s front garden, where the spirit of the late Ingo Swann — the world’s foremost psychic — comes to life.
Ingo's painting entitled The Edgar Cayce Aura Chart is on display in the Visitor's Center at Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
The Rhine Walk of Fame in front of the Rhine Research Center in Durham, North Carolina, contains names engraved in brick of many luminaries and significant contributors to the Rhine and to the field of Consciousness research, one of which bears Ingo's name.
A recap of the 2018 Logan Visionary Conference "Two Views of Heaven: Spiritual and Scientific" at the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore, Maryland. Speakers were Michelle Thaller, Deputy Director of Science for Communications; Nobel Laureate John C. Mather (by video); Nancy du Tertre, attorney turned psychic; Father James Kurzynski, author with the Vatican Observatory Foundation; and Alex Chionetti, author, filmmaker and explorer.
Thomas McNear, Lieutenant Colonel, US Army (ret.) presents “The Creative Mind of Ingo Swann: Artist and Father of Remote Viewing” at American Visionary Art Museum's ( Human Guide To Our Creative Brain Conference, February 1, 2015. Thomas McNear was the first member of the Army’s Stargate program to be personally trained in Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV) by legendary remote viewer, psychic and artist Ingo Swann.
Ingo Swann Lecture: Remote Viewing and ETs - Part 1
Ingo Swann Lecture: Remote Viewing and ETs - Part 2
Ingo Swann Lecture: Remote Viewing and ETs - Part 3
Ingo Swann Lecture: Remote Viewing and ETs - Part 4
Ingo Swann Lecture: Remote Viewing and ETs - Part 5
Ingo Swann Lecture: Remote Viewing and ETs - Part 6
Ingo Swann Lecture: Remote Viewing and ETs - Part 7