Ingo's various remote views of celestial bodies included: Jupiter (1973), Mercury (1974), the Moon (1975), and Mars (1975, 1976, and 1984). Selected information on these sessions is provided below. More can be found in his archives at the University of West Georgia.
For an explanation as to how aspects of this page of the website fits into the narrative of Ingo's life, please see the note on the Home page about his book Penetration.
Under the direction of Drs. Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ, Ingo undertook what he called "planetary probes." He did these while at SRI in concert with noted psychic Harold Sherman who was at his home in Arkansas at the time. These sessions were remote views of Jupiter (April 27, 1973) and Mercury (March 11, 1974). Targ, in his book Third Eye Spies, claims this was not as on whim as it may have appeared; hinting instead they were arranged for/by NASA.
Ingo for his part described the Jupiter session as follows:
In early April 1973, in an effort to emerge from the daily boredom of repetitive testing, I suggested that we once in a while do something far out, something that might reintroduce a sense of adventure, excitement, and enjoyment.
The planet Jupiter was literally far out. NASA had earlier launched Pioneer 10 and 11 to fly-by that planet, and information telemetered back by the two crafts would undergo technical analyses. Information from Pioneer 10 would commence in September 1973.
The only real difference between Jupiter as a "target," and mundane target objects in the next room, was its distance from Earth. But for me there was another difference. It would be exciting to try to extend one’s ESP to the planet, a form of remote viewing. Jupiter was more remote than the next room—and there might be a thrill of "traveling" in interplanetary space.
-- Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy
After analyzing the remote viewing data from Ingo's session on Jupiter, thirteen unexpected factors were discovered and confirmed by subsequent scientific research. These factors are listed below, along with the dates of their confirmation:
Six of these thirteen factors were given scientific substantiation by 1975. Before Jupiter's ring was "scientifically" discovered in 1979, most scientists flatly denounced the possibility of the RING.
The Remote Viewing Probe of the Planet Jupiter (pdf)
DownloadRecorded at SRI, this video captures the unedited conversation between Ingo Swann and Harold Sherman discussing their psychic trip to Jupiter.
An Experimental Psychic Probe of Jupiter (pdf)
DownloadIn 1975, with some modicum of interplanetary remote viewing success under our belts, Harold Sherman and I planned a Mars probe in advance of the first Viking touchdown. There were certain difficulties with regard to Mars which differed considerable from those of Jupiter and Mercury. A great deal was known about Martian conditions, and lest Harold and I merely repeat what was already known, we decided to read up on the planet and become "grounded" in existing knowledge about it. ...
It took about eight minutes to sight Mars psychically...I could hear myself talking, though, which was being recorded...When the experiment was over I was flabbergasted. But at that moment, the telephone rang. It was Harold Sherman calling from Arkansas.
Now, Harold Sherman was an easy-going, gentle person, with interior strengths to be sure. But I had never heard him shout. And this he now did. "Did you see what I saw!" he shouted. I was still somewhat in awe of what I had seen that I responded vaguely: "Well, if you mean what no one will believe, then yes!"
-- Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy
Updated Special Edition
Both Ingo's and Sherman's Mars 1975 session and the group’s 1984 Mars session noted below are detailed in the Updated Special Edition of Penetration. Included in the book are the RV sketches and notes from these session. These same notes and sketches can also be found in the archives of Janet Lee Mitchell and Harold Sherman (links to their respective archives can be found on the Empiricist page of this website).
It very well may. It does appear Ingo did Remote View, for a flesh and bones Axelrod, the Moon’s dark side and did see structures; presumably the basis of the "Space Race" to begin with? So what was the actual date he did this? He tells us in Penetration: the Moon was full, setting in the West, and was placed opposite the Sun. This would mean the Earth was in between the two, otherwise known as a lunar eclipse. That date in 1975, when the Moon was full, and a lunar eclipse was occurring, was May 25th, a Sunday, when very few people, if anyone at all, would have been say at SRI? In this session, Ingo records: "You mean—am I to assume this stuff is—not OURS! Not made on Earth?"
Wait about about these Moon RV sessions possibly being at SRI? Taking a pit stop for a moment, Ingo tells us in a roundabout way that this Axelrod is someone intimately familiar with the RV work at SRI. That is, Ingo indirectly reveals that Axelrod is well-versed in the RV process in two instances. First, he mentions starting the session with Axelrod pressing a button on a tape recorder. This seems like an odd choice for a technologically advanced and secretive group, especially since they have the ability to manipulate technology and travel through space. Later in the chapter, Ingo writes about Axelrod abruptly closing folders after the session ends. This detail also hints at SRI's involvement, as manila folders with coordinates were commonly used in their RV sessions. This suggests that there were two people present during the session - someone directing Ingo and another acting as his monitor. According to transcripts from other RV sessions, it was not uncommon to have two individuals present: one monitor and one representative from a sponsor or internal program.
But let's return to the topic of the Moon/Mars connection. Ingo was ready to dive into a discussion about the possibility of extraterrestrial life seeding on Earth from other interstellar planets, which is why his chapter about the Hollow Moon is abbreviated. He would have also mentioned structures on Mars and how they may be related to structures on the Moon, along with a theory about a Martian evacuation to Earth (which explains the missing and incomplete Mars chapter but its mention of the Giza Plateau in Egypt). The missing Mars chapter serves as evidence that this more thorough RV session, conducted with Sherman, was done to ensure that there would be no misrepresentations or misunderstandings. This session was scheduled to happen just two weeks later than this Moon psychic probing, on June 14th, right before NASA launched their Mars-bound Vikings. It was likely done so that any last-minute adjustments could be made regarding what to look for on Mars instead of the Moon.
Ingo claimed that a covert government agency was aware of the existence of artificial objects on the dark side of the Moon, although they lacked concrete evidence or a means to confirm it. These objects had allegedly been spotted by lunar orbiters and even some Apollo astronauts, according to certain sources.
Ingo says in this session he saw colored lights which moved, roads, and artificial structures such as domes, buildings, and arches.
Years later, one of Ingo's Army RV students, Paul Smith had a similar experience during his RV training at SRI. George Noory, host of paranormal-oriented talk show Coast to Coast AM, interviewed Smith on the show in relation to Noory's 2006 book Worker in the Light. It was during this interview Smith disclosed he had been given the same coordinates Ingo had on the Moon. Interestingly, not only had Smith drawn the same things as Ingo, but he had also shared his notes with then SRI director Dr. Hal Puthoff.
What information we have on Ingo and his work to remote viewing hidden chambers at Giza can be found in his archives at the University of West Georgia; the sessions and his notes have also been reprinted in Issue 19 of eight martinis magazine. A copy of Issue 19 of the magazine can be downloaded here:
In 1973, Ingo and psi researcher Cleve Backster both spoke at an international conference in Prague about psychotronics. Afterwards, they traveled to Egypt's Giza Plateau, pretending to be tourists. Their goal was to search for any hidden structures beneath or around the Great Pyramid and Sphinx. They were joined by Peter Tompkins, a former OSS operative, as well as Charles Berlitz (grandson of the founder of the language school), who had connections that smoothed their path. Berlitz himself had served in Army intelligence for over ten years.
When they arrived at the Giza Plateau, they were not alone in their search for buried treasures. The Cosmic Ray Project, led by Luis Alvarez, was also conducting research there. Mark Lehner, a well-known Egyptian archaeologist today, claims he was studying abroad at the American University in Cairo in 1973 when he first became interested in finding Cayce's Hall of Records. However, he has also mentioned being there as part of his involvement with the Cayce Foundation in other interviews.
Alvarez, a Nobel Prize in Physics laureate, was a renowned experimental physicist, inventor, and professor. During World War II, he played a crucial role in the creation of microwave-centered radar and later worked on the Manhattan Project with Robert Oppenheimer at Los Alamos, contributing to the design of the "Fat Boy" plutonium bomb. His post-war research focused on particle accelerators and superconducting magnets. In 1965, he joined a US-Egyptian archaeological team on the Giza Plateau to use subatomic particles for density calculations in hopes of discovering hidden chambers under the pyramids. This project, known as the Berkeley Cosmic Ray Project, specifically centered around the Khafre Pyramid. Some speculate that Alvarez's involvement may have been linked to his alleged membership in a top-secret government group studying UFOs, Majic-12, as suggested by the authors of The Stargate Conspiracy.
For five years, the project continued without yielding any definitive information about what lay beneath the pyramids. However, one member of Alverez's team, Dr. Amr Goneid, noticed that their data was constantly scrambled in a way that could only happen if there was some external force at work, governing the laws of science. This only added to the intrigue surrounding subatomic physicist Alverez's involvement in the project. Despite his best efforts, Alverez's technology had reached its limit and a new approach was necessary. According to Dolphin's article "Geophysics And The Temple Mount," this realization occurred in 1973. ( Dolphin writes, one "Prof. Luis Alvarez of the Physics Department at the University of California Berkeley (LBL) contacted me to tell me about cosmic ray experiments he was conducting in the Second Pyramid (that of Chephren, or Khafre) at Giza in Egypt....He told me he was now looking for a new method which could view beneath the pyramids and also explore more complex pyramids such as that of Cheops, the grandfather of Chephren. Prof. Alvarez suggested to me and to my colleagues at SRI International that we should attempt to build a 'ground-penetrating radar' to explore the pyramids, and to search for hidden tombs at Sakhara and the Valley of the Kings. With the help of in-house SRI R&D funds we soon had assembled a crude radar system and tested it in an old coal mine at Mt. Diablo, east of San Francisco. We then obtained a small grant from the National Science Foundation, teamed up with scientists from Cairo's Ain Shams University, and enthusiastically went to work at Giza in the spring of 1974."
In May of 1976, Ingo began a Remote Viewing venture at SRI that focused on the DMZ area between North and South Korea. This project was later referred to as the ARPA Tunnel Detection Technology Program, and was a joint effort under the direction of Dolphin. However, within SRI it was known as Project T. The project continued until June 1977, with reports of its success being circulated internally in May of 1977. At this point, Ingo became more heavily involved with SRI on a full-time basis. A selection of documents related to this project can be found in the CRV section of this website.
In a Project T session dated April 13, 1977, John Tanzi, Dolphin’s fellow SRI researcher on the project, is recorded as interacting with Ingo. Towards the end of their remote viewing session, Tanzi mentioned a report they had from a trip to Egypt in 1974/75 (as opposed to their recent visit). He recalled their attempt to find chambers in Chephren's pyramid but admitted that the experiment did not go as planned. However, he mentioned something intriguing about the pyramid's construction and how it raised questions for them. They wanted Ingo to "look into" this matter further. Perhaps this discovery about the pyramid's construction was related to the interference Alverez's team experienced. Tanzi also promised to share the report with Ingo for further investigation.
After years of searching the Plateau for hidden chambers, Dolphin found himself in 1978 at Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. (which was still actively seeking to unearth the locations of Atlantean records, particularly those under the Sphinx in Egypt). He went there to secure additional funds for his NSF grant to continue his expeditions in Egypt. In his own words, "In 1978, we received funding from ARE (Association for Research and Enlightenment) in Virginia Beach, VA. (They are affiliated with the Edgar Cayce Foundation). That year, Hugh Lynn Cayce joined us in Egypt as well. (We also had other sponsors and ongoing projects at the same time)."
In Ingo's archives are RV session notes from January 31, 1978, and February 2, 1978, of the Sphinx and pyramids on the Giza Plateau. They appear to be linked to Dolphin’s A.R.E./SRI/NSF funded program and include, as noted in Ingo's handwriting on one of his 1978 sketches, his notes and RV sketches from his onsite RV session done in 1973. In the 1978 sessions, Ingo identified tunnels and rooms under the pyramids as well under the Sphinx. After Ingo discovered some anomalies during the two sessions, they were confirmed by Dolphin's radar while on the Plateau. Drilling was then initiated to investigate these spaces more closely, and a borescope camera was lowered into the holes to examine what might be hidden in these underground anomalies.
But what is interesting about SRI's involvement in 1978 comes by way of a booklet entitled, The Edgar Cayce Foundation Egypt/Sphinx Project: A Special Report by Mark Lehner:
"Not all of the anomalies detected at the Sphinx were drilled. Toward the end of the season, serious problems began to develop between the SRI team and the other major patron who contracted for the survey of the pyramids and who was, at the same time, the party handling the drilling operations. On the last day of SRI activity at the Sphinx, some kind of pronounced anomaly was detected using a different, more powerful, acoustic technique (immersion down-hole sounder). This anomaly was located inside the hollow masonry box attached to the Sphinx body just behind the south elbow, by soundings into the exposed bedrock floor at the base of the box. It was left unexamined by drilling and borescopic observation when the SRI project closed." And with that SRI packed its bags and left. The fact they did so after so much time and money seems a little off. Had something been found and confirmed?
In 1984, Ingo's next recorded collaboration with Dolphin took place as detailed in the Mars chapter. This occurred shortly after Dolphin established the "Independent Mars Project" at SRI. In order to remote view Mars, Ingo assembled a team of remote viewers for this project.
In 1979 two researchers, Vincent DiPietro and Greg Molenaar, discovered in two NASA photographs (from Viking 1976) of the Martian surface what appeared to be a large carving of a humanoid face lying on the ground and staring outward into space. DiPietro and Molenaar published these photos, and were surprised by the hostile reaction of the planetary science community. The images, this community said, “were simply nothing more than an illusion brought about by light and shadow.”
A few years later, Ingo, at the bequest of a SRI geophysicist Dolphin working on the "Independent Mars Mission," organized a team of five individuals skilled in remote viewing. Each member worked separately to remote view specific coordinates on Mars at 5:30pm on June 15, 1984. Three members have been identified so far: Ingo, Sherman, and Star Gate RV'er Thomas (Tom) McNear.
Little did the group, including Ingo, know that this session would take place exactly one month after RV'er Joseph (Joe) McMoneagle's own Mars RV session at approximately 10:00am on May 22, 1984, and reveal similar findings. A PDF of McMoneagle's declassified session can be downloaded below.
As was the case with their 1975 Mars session, both Ingo and Sherman in 1984, and now along with three additional RV'ers, saw structures, towers, and archaeological ruins on the surface of Mars, evidence, they believed, of two different civilizations destroyed on the Red Planet.
From this Ingo concluded:
Of his experiences during this 1984 session, McNear wrote in the Updated Special Edition of Penetration: "Then in 2014, a year after Ingo's passing, I was reading Joe McMoneagle's book Mind Trek. In it, Joe recounts his remote viewing of Mars on 22 May 1984—24 days before Ingo's five-person team. Joe speaks of the same entities, the same profound sense of loss, the same structures, the same inner chambers…to this day I am reluctant to discuss it, but if you want to know more, read Mind Trek."
The various Mars RV sessions described pyramid like structures and major geological disturbances. They also mention tall, thin figures having experienced environmental collapse. John Greenewald, Jr. (X handle: @blackvaultcom) fed this information into the AI image generator DALL-E, which then produced the two images detailing landscapes with pyramids and figures featured in this section.
McMoneagle's Mars RV Session has been declassified. A Link to the CIA page with the document is below.