Jim Marrs, in his book Alien Agenda, discusses how he believed despite the official denials, there were aspects of the government using psychic Remote Viewers to investigate UFOs and how people "familiar with RV believe the process might be the best to penetrate the UFO enigma."
For an explanation as to how this page of the website fits into the narrative of Ingo's life, please see the note on the Home page about his book Penetration.
Ingo’s story about the UFO in his book Penetration, starts at the end of Chapter 8, "Grand Central Station," progresses through Chapter 9, "Mr. Axelrod and his Traveling Plans," and ends with Chapter 10, "Seeing One."
Ingo's story about his encounter with a UFO begins when Axelrod, in 1976, asks Ingo to place a signal or note under his blotter at SRI once he achieves a 65% efficiency level. A year later, Ingo informs us that in June of 1977 he finally placed the note. For three months straight, he checks every day and the note remains untouched. However, when Chapter Nine rolls around, Ingo reveals that the note had disappeared back in July. Soon after that strange occurrence, Axelrod shows up at SRI during an otherwise normal lunchtime on a Friday. The two have a brief conversation before they quickly speed off in Axelrod's Jeep towards San Jose. They park their car in a restricted area at the San Jose Airport and are escorted through the terminal to a high-tech plane waiting for them. One of Ingo's Men in Black-like twins stands next to the plane wearing a helmet and an olive green jumpsuit while the other twin pilots it. The flight takes off almost instantly and lasts approximately five hours. As they near their destination, Ingo notices how barren the landscape looks with no lights visible anywhere. After landing on an unlit runway in the middle of the night, they embark on a two-hour drive in a camouflaged van where Ingo sees billions of stars along the way. Eventually, they reach their final stop - a small lake surrounded by pine trees. In order to avoid detection by whatever is watching them, they must remain completely silent until dawn when the UFO is known to appear regularly. And indeed, just before dawn breaks, they see it - at first appearing like a mirage but then growing into a massive ninety foot diamond or triangular shaped object hovering over the lake. The UFO begins sucking up water from the lake, seemingly unaware of their presence until something alerts it and it starts firing upon them. All four of them run for their lives, eventually reuniting a short while later - slightly injured but alive nonetheless.
They walk back to the airport, now in daylight, and notice sheriff deputies, men in plaid shirts, and Eskimo women lingering around the runway. They even see a New York-style hot dog cart being operated by someone. A mail plane with "USA-Alaska" printed on it is parked nearby, not doing much. As they head back, Axelrod asks Ingo for his thoughts before revealing that this will be their last interaction; others will take over the project from here on out.
He has another story from when he was a teenager. He says it happened back when he lived in Tooele, Utah. He went on a hike to a nearby hill and was getting ready to take a nap when he spotted a craft zipping around in the sky before vanishing into thin air.
He may not say it outright, but his UFO story is still there, lurking beneath the surface of his Hollywood movie script. By calling out Axelrod's cover story as "bullshit," he hints at the true nature of his own tale, cleverly disguised as a La La Land (Hollywood) special.
A movie script, really?
What time does Axelrod appear at SRI? Lunchtime, so Noon. Give them say thirty minutes to have their conversation in the Men’s room and Ingo to leave, so they hit the road at 12:30pm. Alaska is an hour behind California time so it would be 11:30am there. Using Alaska time going forward now. Say thirty minutes to drive to San Jose Airport and then thirty minutes to get on the plane, allowing for a deviation from the whirlwind he says. So they take off at 12:30pm. The flight is four or five hours so landing at 5:30pm on the long end. This is followed by a two hour drive so 8:00pm, giving time to leave the plan and to the van. After they park they then walk for forty minutes in the dark to get to where they are not long before dawn. At the latest they would get to the stop at 9:00pm. It is the middle of the night, pitch black as Ingo says. However, if this is happening in July, that's not possible since the area experiences perpetual daylight during the summer months. Assuming it's three months later, let's say October, sunset in the area typically falls somewhere between 7:00pm-8:00pm with residual light still in the sky for about half an hour. Sunrise occurs around 8:00am-9:00am.
After a quick calculation, it's clear that this story doesn't make sense. We are supposed to infer that this is a fabricated tale, meant to conceal the true story. Ingo has intentionally scattered clues throughout the narrative, guiding us towards the actual events.
The answer to this question can also be found on the Non Human Entities page of this website. Another clue can be found in a 2000 interview that Ingo did with Art Bell for his radio show, Coast-to-Coast. In the interview, Ingo carefully navigates around sensitive topics as he discusses Remote Viewing and Penetration. He mentions being "harnessed," but quickly moves on, hinting that those who refuse to cooperate with the powers that be usually don't live long. Despite his attempts to downplay his own situation, his voice betrays his knowledge of the danger he is in. When asked about his next project, Ingo reveals it is about power, which later becomes known as his Secrets of Power books. Bell comments on how surprised he is that Ingo has been left alone. In response, Ingo admits he gets many visitors and reiterates multiple times that he poses no threat and only speaks about information already in the public domain. His tone is almost pleading as he addresses those who may not be leaving him alone despite his reassurances
Since the topic of power is of interest to Bell, he asks Ingo about the president, which they agree means a generic president or presidents and Ingo says, "the president works for the real powers which rule the world." He emphasizes that they don't merely run the world, but rather possess complete authority over it.
His meandering around the issue of being harnessed,which he doesn’t really answer is because during the interview both Ingo and Bell can hear other people on the phone line and Ingo kind of comments that "they" are listening in, not the kind like when lines got crossed which happened back then in general. For Bell's part he thinks hanging up and calling Ingo back will solve the problem, that is clear the line, Ingo, you can tell then by the tone of his voice knows, and as Bell himself finds out, it won't.
A link to the full interview can be found in the video section below.
The Signal:
First he tells us he placed the signal in June of 1977, then checked everyday for three months (which would have not been possible because he was only sporadically at SRI during that time, his invoices tell us that) then received a reply in July of 1977. July isn’t three months later, we believe this is misdirection, and a key too that it is misdirection, because we forgot about the three months; our focus remains on July.
Whatever happened, it started happening three months after June, so in the Fall of 1977.
The Place:
As they descend in their landing spot, there is nothing but darkness and no signs of civilization around. Ingo notes that he couldn't even see any distant lights before they landed, painting a picture in our minds of being in the middle of nowhere. It's late at night, and as they drive further into this desolate area, he points out the billions of stars illuminating the sky. However, on their return trip, he observes that there are sheriffs present, along with men wearing plaid - possibly lumberjacks or workers - as well as indigenous women (whom he believes are used to seeing UFOs), and a mail plane. This indicates that there must be gas stations, stores, factories, mines or timber operations, homes, and roads in the vicinity. These things would certainly have lights and could be seen in the distance. This suggests that where they landed is not the same place they took off from and hints at two different locations being involved.
As he highlights the abundance of pine trees and tundra, painting a vivid image of the Arctic Circle, he subtly mentions something that does not belong there - a Spanish term for a dried-up waterbed commonly found in dry regions:
"Then we climbed into a sort of arroyo."
"I was dragged and practically thrown back down into the arroyo."
"But with my feet dragging, the twins pulled me up and ran with me between them down the arroyo a short way..."
It is not Alaska.
One part of this location is situated in the remote wilderness, requiring a long drive to reach. The night sky is filled with an endless array of stars and there is an arroyo nearby. It is also home to indigenous people who hold their own myths and legends of strange occurrences. This portion of the location can be found in the deserts of the Southwest.
The other part of this place is located within the United States, specifically in Alaska represented by the marked plane labeled "USA-Alaska." This section would be considered typically American, complete with a hot dog cart and men wearing plaid shirts. There appears to be some sort of operation taking place, evident by the presence of guards (possibly sheriffs) and a mail plane. It is likely that this company is conducting secret research in the aerospace industry, possibly situated in a central location within the United States.
Different Types of UFOs:
In a masterful use of concealment, that is skillfully hiding it in plain sight, Ingo purposely mixed in details of his involvement with three distinct types of UFOs and the different groups he was collaborating with on each one. Even his choice of title of the chapter, Seeing One, is an oxymoron.
The tale focuses on a massive triangular device, similar to the well-known black triangle UFOs. In this story, Ingo reveals his participation in a group dedicated to harnessing revolutionary or cutting-edge technologies.
For a clue we will need to start with Dr. Hal Puthoff (see the CRV section of this website for more information on him) and this from "The Physics of UFOs: Eric Weinstein and Hal Puthoff" on Jesse Michels’s American Alchemy Show posted on YouTube February 11, 2022. (From about 7:45 mark in the video to the 8:25 mark.)
Weinstein, legs crossed, tosses this out to Puthoff: "Another puzzle we would love to have cleared up is the role of aerospace companies as holders of potentially basic scientific knowledge not shared with the academic world, is it possible, it seems very wrong to me."
Puthoff, arms spread wide on his sofa’s back cushions responds: "It may be wrong but its um true."
Weinstein: "You believe it is true."
Puthoff: "I know it is true."
Weinstein: "You know there is physics knowledge held by aerospace companies that is not their own."
Puthoff: "There certainly is materials knowledge." He then adds after Weinstein asks about it: "Certainly aerospace corporations have knowledge in the UAP area that specifically are sequestered by against FOIA because of proprietary appreciables."
The identity of those involved in this scheme can be inferred from a line in the story where Ingo mentions his interactions with other wealthy individuals. These people are interested in using his psychic abilities for their own gain, such as hiring him to search for treasure. They exude an aura of luxury and authority, having achieved great financial success.
According to Vallée's book Forbidden Science Volume 2, Kit Green - a CIA analyst who later became the program manager of Remote Viewing for the agency - had a conversation with Vallée in 1974. During this conversation, Green confirmed the existence of a group of 15 engineers in the Midwest who were conducting UFO research for the CIA under the guise of "aeronautical research." Vallée speculates that this group is likely part of aerospace company McDonnell Douglas, located in St. Louis, MO, owned by wealthy aerospace tycoon James McDonnell.
Skipping ahead to 1977, as Ingo claims the story takes place. As spring drew to a close and SRI's CIA funding dwindled, former astronaut Edgar Mitchell flew to Washington to meet with his friend, then CIA Director George H.W. Bush. According to Jacobsen's book Phenomena, Mitchell was hoping to secure additional funding for SRI. However, due to increased scrutiny from Congress, Bush was unable to approve any funds from the CIA. Instead, he advised Mitchell to tell the group at SRI to find a military sponsor if RV was going to survive. Rather than just RV could the thing which needs funding instead is the covert operation that RV is being used to mask, as Ingo suggests in Penetration? He refers to it as an ultra-subterranean mission, which implies it is hidden and concealed. How masterfully secretive it would be to use a secret project as a cover for an even more mysterious one.
If you sift through all the available information, you'll find that SRI received funding from the Foreign Technology Division of the Air Force for their RV project. The Army also utilized RV as a means of gathering operational intelligence under the code name Gondola Wish, which has now evolved into Grill Flame. SRI also received funds from this program.
And so it is here Ingo's story begins and it begins with Ingo telling us through Axelrod, who says, "our mission [this would be the unmanned drone from someplace else] will be disbanded shortly, and the work picked up by others, because of strategic security reasons involved."
The program picked up by others, not RV, Ingo tells us, no its future was secured by Army Intelligence, via INSCOM, this would be the work on the subterranean project, the revolutionary machine.
And we can sort out by looking at the other funders who also came on board during this time, that would be 1977/1978. This is where a declassified document called, GOVERNMENT-SPONSORED RESEARCH IN PSYCHOENERGETICS, (referred to herein as the timeline document) which outlines the history of CIA funding, is helpful as it does detail some information about this.
In August of 1977, the Missile Intelligence Agency (MIA) awarded SRI a $80,000 contract for Remote Viewing (RV) research. This was funded by former Nazi aerospace engineer Wernher von Braun and his team, who were interested in Soviet psychokinesis studies. According to a declassified document on Center Lane, the MIA continued funding for psychokinesis research at SRI for three more years and invested an additional $200K. The MIA was responsible for gathering technical intelligence on foreign air and ground systems. The timeline document revealed that their program aimed to determine if selected individuals could use their minds to interact with and influence sensitive electronic equipment, and if this phenomenon could be used for military purposes.
In 1978, the Army Materiel Systems Analysis Agency (AMSSA), a division of DARCOM responsible for supplying materials and equipment to the Army and in charge of making decisions on technology, acquiring materials and equipment, designing and developing, and maintaining U.S. Army weapon systems, joined forces with SRI for two years. They provided $230K
A briefing on Project Sun Streak notes both the MIA and AMSAA were interested in Remote Viewing.
Now, we must incorporate Ingo's work at SRI in 1977 and 1978. During the early part of that year, he was involved in a Remote Viewing project focused on the DMZ area between North and South Korea. This project would eventually become known as the ARPA Tunnel Detection Technology Program, which was a joint effort led by another SRI researcher, geophysicist Lambert Dolphin (who is also mentioned in Ingo's chapter on Mars regarding projects involving remote viewing of Egypt and Mars - for more information, visit the Planetary Explorations page of this website). Dolphin's research at SRI was primarily focused on ground penetrating radar. The ARPA project ran until June of 1977, but reports documenting its success were circulated internally as early as May of that year. This meant that Ingo had demonstrated to ARPA that remote viewing was indeed successful. This is where his claim of reaching a 65% success rate comes into play; however, it wasn't necessarily about him personally achieving a 65% success rate, as much of the funding for the project was based on his previous successes. Rather, it is likely that his statement refers to the fact that his training methods allowed others to identify targets with a 65% success rate.
During June, Ingo was juggling multiple tasks: working on a Humanist report and a paper for the IEEE, while also participating in the RV section of the Catalina Island archaeological project Deep Quest with Stephen Schwartz and the Mobius Group. He was constantly traveling, spending time in both New York and California. In the UFO story, Ingo briefly mentions his upcoming trip to Catalina where he will be involved in Deep Quest. According to Vallée, real estate billionaire Trammel Crow had recently invested in Schwartz's project, demonstrating yet another wealthy individual's interest in exploiting psi abilities. The transcripts and preparation notes from this project, as well as footage from an episode of "In Search of" featuring Leonard Nemoy, all show Ingo deeply involved in the project during his time in New York and California. Meanwhile, Ingo was also preparing to speak at Harold Sherman's "ESP Body Mind Healing Workshop" in Saint Louis on August 4th. His presentation, entitled "Psychic Warfare," was followed by a breakfast hosted by Trammel Crow, who was good friends with aerospace giant James McDonnell. According to Vallée, several of the other workshop speakers were also invited to this breakfast. Based on a letter found in his archives at UWG, it appears that Ingo also had a chance to meet McDonnell during the ESP Workshop
In August, Crow reaches out to Ingo, informing him that he plans to visit his home in New York City at the end of September. This is when we start to see the three month mark coming into view. However, before their meeting, Ingo travels to DC in September for an event related to SRI and stays there for 11 days. Upon returning to SRI, he resumes remote viewing sessions on nuclear test sites.
On October 11th, Vallée gave a presentation to a specific gathering arranged by Crow in Dallas. The group consisted of various influential figures, such as the mayor of Dallas, the Hunts, a CEO of a financial corporation, GE's general counsel, an IBM vice president, and a Xerox vice president. The topic of the lecture seemed to be UFOs and their technology, particularly one that utilized a groundbreaking comprehension of spacetime topology. Perhaps this gathering was comprised of wealthy individuals looking to utilize psi for their own purposes?
On October 17th, Ingo sends a message to Crow regarding their joint project, known as Project A. He informs Crow that the project is almost complete and suggests that they open a joint account with Stephan Schwartz, who will then pay the nine psychics involved in the project. Ingo plans to discuss more details when he visits Dallas, which will be soon. It seems that Ingo is leading Project A with assistance from Schwartz and his Mobius group in LA, along with funding from Crow. Given Schwartz's interest in predicting future events, it is likely that this project, referred to as Compass by Crow, involves using psychics for such purposes. Ingo invites Crow to visit SRI and says he can provide further information then.
In November Ingo starts work on Project A/Compass. Both Crow and Ingo refer to it as the smaller of the two projects.
On November 17, 1977, Ingo sends a personal letter to James McDonnell expressing his gratitude for the hospitality shown to him during his visit. He was impressed by the entire operation and found it encouraging in many ways. He also mentions enjoying meeting McDonnell's friends. It is speculated that Ingo may have been flown there after a meeting with Crow in Dallas in late October or early November and was shown something significant and introduced to other individuals.
In late November 1977, Crow's hits the books at SRI. This allows them to launch Project Xerox, focused on copying something? inspired perhaps by Vallée's lecture where a Xerox representative was in attendance? Ingo sends a letter to Crow announcing the secured funding and estimating it will take ten days to two weeks to get initial results. Meanwhile, McDonnell also reaches out to wish Ingo luck and success in his work in California.
On November 29th, Ingo contacts McDonnell with details about Project Xerox and assures him that he will continue to provide updates on its progress.
On December 15, 1977, Crow reaches out to Ingo and expresses his desire to discuss the overarching project, possibly referring to Xerox, during his visit in January.
In late December of 1977, Ingo sends a letter to McDonnell detailing his amazing journey through the American Southwest as he gains a psychic understanding of the region. He specifically highlights his interest in the Southwestern part of Arizona. During a remote viewing session on January 5th, 1978 at an Eastern European site, Ingo mentions a location that reminds him of the one he saw during his trip through the Southwest. This mention is documented in a declassified report titled ADVANCED THREAT TECHNIQUE ASSESSMENT, specifically on pages 109 and 110.
"When I was on my trip* we drove through an area of what looks like a military storage thing with lots of low sort of covered-in-the-ground types of storage facilities, like for ammunition or weapons, or something like that."
*Through southwestern U.S.
Vallée notes in an entry dated January 5, 1978, he knows McDonnell Douglas has an ongoing secret project, well-funded, with the blessing and official monitoring of the CIA; he hints this is UFO related.
In December 1977 and January 1978, McDonnell traveled to Washington for crucial meetings with influential individuals. In a letter from Ingo to McDonnell in June of that same year, Ingo mentions that there has been a noticeable shift in attitude among top-level officials since McDonnell spoke with certain key figures.
What could this increased workload after Ingo reached that 65% threshold at SRI mean? Could it be linked to Project Xerox and McDonnell's recent trip to Washington DC for his CIA-backed UFO project? The final clue in this mystery came from Ingo himself, who trained the group of RV'ers using his CRV technique starting in 1982. This was part of INCSOM's Center Lane program, which had replaced the Monroe Institute's altered states method under Grill Flame. However, the majority of the training took place in 1983 and 1984.
For a different view of this, comes by way of a declassified document about Grill Flame more specifically what the document says is the Army’s psychoenergetic efforts. It seems to be a briefing outlining the three programs under Grill Flame:
It is possible the noise generating machine might be a cover story, not that they didn't do this project/experiment, only what they were also doing was hidden behind it. In an interview with Ingo that is documented in Jim Marrs' book Psi Spies book, he mentions having trained two different groups of remote viewers - one we are familiar with and another that remained hidden. Both groups went through SRI but at different times, as mentioned by Ingo. However, he can't disclose much about the second group because they were kept completely separate from the first, even going as far as using false identities. Ingo suspects they were engineers, as he observed them collecting materials from the building to construct objects seen in their sessions. It is possible that the group we know about was actually the second, given Ingo's decreased involvement with SRI after 1985 when the program was transferred to the DIA. This could also explain why he created CRV protocols and used them to train the Army RV'ers we are familiar with today.
Ingo's parting words from Axerod hint at a shift in strategy; instead of trying to psychically control an unmanned drone, their focus will now be on reverse engineering the materials they have. It seems that their knowledge of the materials outweighs their understanding of the physics behind them, which may be what Puthoff is alluding to.
The reason Ingo is brought to see what they have is explained in his own words from Penetration. He compares it to showing someone an atomic reactor, something they have never seen before. To them, it may just look like a teapot because that is the closest mental image they have to describe it. This is known as "analytical overlay," when the mind tries to make sense of something unknown by associating it with something familiar. In remote-viewing, this can cause confusion and the viewer may mistake an unfamiliar object for something else based on their memories. However, with exposure and education on the subject, a remote-viewer can learn to correctly identify an atomic reactor rather than calling it a teapot. Similarly, someone studying UFOs could benefit from learning about different types and seeing diagrams of them before attempting to remotely view one.
Possibly, Ingo's participation with a team tasked with reverse engineering was for the purpose of creating a schematic of the UFO they had acquired. He first heard about it from McDonnell's colleagues while visiting in Saint Louis and began to have psychic impressions of it in late November, or possibly early December.* As these impressions intensified, he insisted on seeing the machine and its surroundings in person. This led him to be taken on a trip to the remote Southwestern part of Arizona in late December, where it was located amidst arroyos and open skies filled with countless stars. This area was also inhabited by indigenous peoples who held beliefs and stories about otherworldly beings and their vehicles. In this way, he could assist the new team of engineers at SRI who would begin their work there in 1978, thanks to corporate funding possibly initiated under Project Xerox and further supported by McDonnell's meeting in Washington and funding from MIA.
*A sheet showing the long-distance RV experiments Ingo was working on in December of 1977, is provided as in image in the gallery below.
In 1979, James McDonnell provided the funding to create a laboratory at Washington University in Saint Louis that would specialize in researching psychic phenomena. The lab's main subjects of study were energy physics, cosmology, and parapsychology. However, the lab was plagued by accusations of fraud and was ultimately shut down in 1986.
According to Vallée, in 1975 Dr. Robert (Bob) Wood was a practical aircraft engineer working for McDonnell Douglas who dismissed psychic phenomena as mere hallucinations. However, by 1982, when he became the Manager of the Aeromechanics Section for Hughes Helicopters, Inc., and later the McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Company, his beliefs seemed to have shifted. During a presentation to the Newport-Balboa Rotary Club, he made connections between UFOs and psychic abilities through Remote Viewing, suggesting that both were valid and worthy of consideration. A copy of his presentation notes can be found in the CIA reading room here:
Wood would also go on the edit the following:
Selected by Extraterrestrials: My Life in the Top Secret World of UFOs, Think-Tanks and Nordic Secretaries; while his insights into the UFO phenomenon are included in:
An Encyclopaedia of Flying Saucers: With Interpretive Materials Added by Dr. Robert M. Wood and Ryan S. Wood.
In 1984 Atwater and LTC Busby, INSCOM's project manager for Center Lane, traveled to McDonnell Douglas in Huntington Beach, CA to discuss "MDAC's [McDonnell Douglas] development and implementation of a set of operant profiling strategies designed to determine the psychoenergetic capabilities of a selected individual...Their knowledge [McDonnell Douglas personnel), coupled with the resources of MDAC" the memo states, will enable "CENTER LANE to begin its recently expanded mission." This may be related to the question/answer on this page of: So, did the Remote Viewing program involve looking into UFOs?
In 1985 the MIA's name was changed to the Missile and Space Intelligence Center and was housed within Army Intelligence and about the same time Puthoff left SRI to found Institute of Advanced Studies so he could pursue his ideas relating to energy generation and propulsion. About Puthoff, Nick Cook writes in the Hunt for Zero Point: "He regularly served various corporations, government agencies, the Executive Branch and Congress as a consultant on leading-edge technologies and future technology trends. And now, he was up to his ears in gravity work. If the U.S. government had instituted a top secret antigravity program, decades before possibly [the book was published in 2001 so referring presumably to the 1970s/1980s], then chances were Puthoff was either directly involved, knew about it, or, at the very least, had some inkling of it…" Cook continued, in his discussions with Puthoff, particularly in relation to the "unproven link between electromagnetism and gravity… the ones about perturbing space-time [sounds like Vallée's Dallas lecture] Cook believed Puthoff had told him in an indirect way "some kind of payoff" from these experiments had already taken place….would that be perhaps the creation of a revolutionary, high tech machine exempt from FOIA thanks to the RV'ing engineers Ingo worked with?
In 1997, Wood (Dr. Bob Wood of McDonnell Douglas noted above) was quoted in the LA Times as saying, "'We're just a little bit behind in understanding all of the technology used by the aliens, or visitors--or whatever you want to call them,' said Wood, research director of the 5,000-member Mutual UFO Network and its Orange County chapter. 'But there are ways to figure it out and build such craft. I don’t accept the idea that we won’t be able to replicate their capabilities.'"
And in a postscript to this, a declassified document discussing the need for continued funding for Gondola Wish reveals some background information on other covert programs focused on utilizing the "paranormal" for intelligence purposes. According to the document, in 1975 the CIA hired a third-party organization (whose name has been redacted) to study Soviet literature on parapsychology. The results were printed in a report dated January 14, 1976. This report, the document noted, was part of the CIA's continuing evaluation of the extent and potential value of Soviet research in this field, as well as its relevance to military operations.
After searching for reports dated January 14, 1976 that discussed Soviet parapsychology research, the CIA reading room presented one document: "Novel Biophysical Information Transfer Mechanisms." This report was prepared under a contract given to The AiResearch Manufacturing Company of California (AiResearch), also known as the Garrett AiResearch Company, and it lists Edward Charles (E.C.) Wortz, Ph.D. as the lead researcher. According to his obituary, Wortz earned his Ph.D. in physiological psychology from the University of Texas in 1957. He began his career as a research scientist working on NASA contracts in the air research industry in Colorado and California, where he studied weightlessness, habitability, and temperature control for early astronauts and the first moon landing.
In 1968, Wortz produced a report for NASA titled, "Observations on Lunar Gravity Simulation," as part of a previous contract given to AiResearch. Interestingly, Garrett was a pioneer in the development of foil bearings during the 1950s and 1960s. These bearings were first used on the McDonnell-Douglas DC-10 in 1969 and eventually became standard equipment on all U.S. military aircraft. In fact, AiResearch Environmental Control Systems provided the necessary atmosphere for American astronauts during the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, and Skylab projects in the 1960s.
As for Wortz, during his mid-life, he suddenly and dramatically switched careers and pursued training at the Gestalt Therapy Institute of Los Angeles to become a psychotherapist. He was also a founding member of the Biofeedback Society of America, and later established the Neuro-Development Center which specialized in treating learning disabilities for both adults and children. As a psychologist and follower of Buddhism, he was among the pioneers who merged these two practices in his therapy sessions. Along with Ven. Dr. Thich Thien-An, he co-founded the International Buddhist Meditation Center in Los Angeles. Additionally, he was one of the first Americans to be ordained as a Dharma teacher in the Vietnamese Buddhist tradition.
Perhaps he came across something while working at AiResearch as a subcontractor to both NASA and McDonnell-Douglas that had him re-evaluating his life and career? And perhaps even this shift goes in concert with an article published in the St. Paul Pioneer on January 18, 1979, in which William Spaulding, director of Ground Saucer Watch and also an engineer at AiResearch said, "We have information to categorically prove the government is lying and that significant findings [regarding UFO technology] have been suppressed."
For more information on McDonnell Douglas: UFOs and Remote Viewing, check out this article on RemoteViewed: https://www.remoteviewed.com/mcdonnell-douglas-ufos-esp-remote-viewing/
The twin standing next to the plane was wearing a military-style olive-green jumpsuit and a helmet. That seems odd, as commercial and private pilots do not typically wear helmets. The high-tech plane also raised questions - it sounded more like something you would see at a military or aviation test facility rather than a regular civilian airport. And the van they used was camouflaged, hinting at a possible military connection. The fact that they had special night vision goggles added to the clues they could be affiliated with the military in some way. The use of scare quotes around "military" and emphasis on "definitely" made it clear that this person's appearances may deceive us - they may look military, but they are not necessarily part of the military. Could this person be a NASA test pilot? And the fact that they took off in just three minutes suggests they were at a military base instead.
It seems that he is directing us to a military base near San Jose, where there may have been test pilots or other military personnel. He mentions that Axelrod headed towards San Jose. In between SRI and San Jose at the time was a naval air station called Moffett Field. The base served as a naval air operations center and a testing ground for the Air Force and NASA. This is where one could quickly take off quickly. These clues appear to relate to part of the story that focuses on Ingo on seeing something operated by the test pilots, possibly an unmanned drone controlled from another location.
Using the paper GOVERNMENT-SPONSORED RESEARCH IN PSYCHOENERGETICS (the timeline document) as a starting point, which has been made available to the public, helps to identify some of the other sponsors regarding RV involved in Ingo's UFO story. However, it does also appear to contains a lot of misleading information. For instance, here is a quote : "The Central Intelligence Agency was the first government organization to investigate parapsychology as it pertains to intelligence collection. Their work was initiated in 1961 when the Office of Technical Service OTS (then the Technical Services Division) became interested in ESP claims. Under the auspices of Project ULTRA, Stephen I. Abrams, Director of the Parapsychological Laboratory, Oxford University, England, reviewed parapsychological research and prepared an article stating that, at most, ESP had been demonstrated but was neither understood or controllable. After that effort, the field lay dormant at CIA for 10 years." On the Non Human Entities page of this website, you can find declassified documents regarding MKULTRA, specifically Subprojects 83 and 136. These documents directly contradict the statement made above. As an instance, in reference to number Subproject 83, one of the documents associated with this subproject is a memo dated March of 1959, labeled "Continuation of MKULTRA, Subproject No. 83." “The purpose of Subproject No. 83 is to continue support of the editorial and technical survey activities of blacked out [we believe this to be Abrams] is assigned to the blacked out and is covered as an employee of blacked out [which is linked to the Air Force’s Cambridge Labs]. During the past eighteen months [so starting in late 1957, not 1961] activities have been to make technical surveys of social and behavioral science matters of interest to TSS/CD/Branch III." The CIA's Office of Technical Service, also known as TSS/CD/Branch III, was responsible for providing support to the agency's covert operations. This included supplying gadgets, disguises, forgeries, secret writings, and weapons. This group was also the first to provide funding for SRI's psychoenergetics program.
This information suggests that there may be something they are intentionally keeping hidden from us. There are though a few leads on what that could be, thanks to the two men who were with Ingo at SRI: Drs. Puthoff and Targ. Let's start with Puthoff's contributions first. Returning again to "The Physics of UFOs: Eric Weinstein and Hal Puthoff" on Jesse Michels’s American Alchemy Show posted on YouTube February 11, 2022, mentioned in the UFO story answer above, this time from about the 29:42 mark to the 30:08 mark.
During the interview, Weinstein and Puthoff both stand up, taking a short break. Weinstein pulls out his phone after playing a tune from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" on the piano next to him. Michels seems unfamiliar with the movie, which surprises Weinstein. Off-camera, Michels responds that he's aware it's a cult classic before turning to Puthoff and asking, "Speaking of cults, weren't you involved in Scientology?"
Puthoff replies yes, he was checking it out, at the time we were doing remote viewing and checking into everything, and says including Silva Mind Control. It's important to keep this in mind.
Now onto Dr. Targ. According to the declassified timeline document, in 1972, Russell Targ, who was working at SRI at the time, reached out to the CIA to discuss paranormal abilities. He proposed a demonstration of telekinesis at SRI. However, the involvement and interest of others in this matter are not mentioned. For that information, we can turn to Targ himself...
Targ, in an interview on The Richard Dolan Show entitled "REMOTE VIEWING SECRETS with Russell Targ," posted on YouTube on July 11, 2023, provides us with some more color regarding that Silva Mind Control comment from Puthoff. (From about 5:45 mark in the video to the 12:40 mark.)
In 1972, while giving a talk in San Francisco about the Soviets and their work in parapsychology, Targ was approached by Art Reetz. Reetz invited him to speak at another conference the following week, this one focused on speculative technology. Targ eagerly accepted the invitation. To his surprise, he found himself face-to-face with Wernher von Braun, who showed a keen interest in psychic abilities. According to Dolan (around the 13:43-14:00 mark in the interview), Targ asserts that von Braun was also intrigued by UFOs. During their time together, von Braun even used a machine designed to teach ESP, which Targ claims he handled masterfully. Later on, von Braun introduced Targ to NASA's director, during which astronaut Edgar Mitchell happened to walk by. Seeing an opportunity for funding and taking into account the recent Apollo 13 disaster, Targ boldly declared that he could train astronauts how to communicate psychically with their spacecraft. He admits to Dolan that it didn't necessarily have to be true; it just had to sound convincing. Not long after that encounter, Targ secured funding from NASA and began his work at SRI with Reetz acting as their contract monitor.
In the world of securing funds for projects, nothing ever happens rapidly, unless there is a significant motive. Therefore, while the idea of training astronauts to use ESP to remotely operate equipment may seem extraordinary, it can be inferred that the swift approval of funding was due to its crucial importance. Thus, it is worth taking a closer look at NASA and their contract monitor, Art Reetz. This is where Reetz's online obituary becomes useful.
According to his obituary, https://www.coxmemorialfuneralhome.com/obituary/Arthur-Reetz, Reetz started working as a program engineer for NASA's Voyager spacecrafts in 1972, while they were still being constructed at NASA's JPL. But the year before, he had been tasked with testing whether humans could use telepathy or psychokinesis to operate equipment on the Moon or in space. It seems strange that a Naval/NASA facility would be studying psychic abilities for space travel, especially when the easier solution would be to find a way to shield against radiation. Reetz was an expert in this field and was recruited by NASA headquarters to lead their research programs in high-energy space radiation effects and shielding for space vehicles.
Is it possible that Ingo is implying that NASA/JPL and potentially even the classified aeronautics facility had been holding onto something for some time now, something that does not operate through physical controls but rather requires a psychic interaction? Could this also explain the intense focus of the Air Force's MKULTRA programs at Cambridge Research Laboratories in the early 1960s on developing ESP abilities in individuals, regardless of the consequences?
After Targ joined SRI with his NASA funding, he and Puthoff quickly submitted a funding request mentioned on the Non Human Entities page. The application was titled Techniques to Enhance Extraordinary Human Perception, and it was sent to the US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare - a front for CIA's post-MKULTRA experiments in human behavior involving control mechanisms such as drugs and hypnosis.
According to their proposal, Targ is the lead researcher and they plan to use hypnosis and a Faraday cage similar to the one built by Puharich (see his page on Non Human Entities for more information) to enhance ESP abilities, specifically with mediums who communicate with entities. The funding will span from October 1, 1972 to October 1, 1973, coinciding with the infamous CIA TSD funding mentioned frequently. Interestingly, this proposal bears similarities to two MKULTRA subprojects also listed on the Non Human Entities page (83 and 136), particularly in their goal of eliciting ESP at any cost through mind control techniques such as drugs and hypnosis. This aligns with Puthoff's statement about "checking out Silva Mind Control," which claims that once the mind is projected, individuals can access higher intelligence and become a medium for NHEs.
So this grant application appears to mimic the "sounding true" that enabled Targ to come to SRI with NASA funding but wasn’t was maybe more true than Targ is leading us to believe. It sounds like they needed psychic things to happen. Perhaps this is why Uri Geller came onto the scene at SRI as part of the remaining Biofields Measurement Contract in December of 1972 through January of 1973. More on this can be found in a report entitled Technical Memorandum prepared by Puthoff and Targ in February of 1973. Geller at the time had been a channeler of the NHEs, the Council of Nine, for Puharich. It should also be noted his work at SRI although funded as part of that CIA Biofields grant was also supported by astronaut Mitchell's foundation, IONS.
If you've been following Geller on platform X, you may have seen his recent post: "My dear friends, the alien species I encountered was similar to the one I saw in the depths of concrete building Wernher Von Braun and astronaut Edgar Mitchell showed me." This seems to be a continuation of an article published in July 2021 by British tabloid The Sun titled "MIND-BENDING UFOs ARE real... Nasa showed me alien spacecraft and I've been secretly contacting ET for years, says Uri Geller." The article begins with Geller's claim that he had secret meetings with German rocket engineer Wernher Von Braun at NASA where he was shown a piece of a crashed UFO. Further along in the article, Geller is quoted saying, "When I met him, Wernher von Braun took an object from a safe and presented it to me. He said it was a piece from a crashed UFO. He wanted me to tell him what I felt from the material. I sensed that it wasn't of this world - it was metallic, elongated, and had a strange hue...almost like it was alive, as if it were "breathing." In addition, Geller mentions the Nazi party's fascination with occult practices in both the article and another X post where he states: "The Nazis were obsessed with things like the Holy Grail, witchcraft, Luciferianism, World Ice Theory, anti-gravity machines, astrology, and pagan religions - all under the umbrella of 'the supernatural imaginary.' Wernher himself was interested in these topics and shared his beliefs in supernatural energies with me."
There is much debate surrounding Geller, even Ingo mentioned the controversy in his memoir, Remote Viewing: The Real Story, saying, "There can be no doubt that it was Geller who brought psychic research back into the public eye, not just in the US but worldwide. Despite any criticism directed towards him, he tapped into the depths of human psyche and reminded us of something that is difficult to put into words - a remarkable achievement." Regardless of personal opinions, it's clear that Geller has left us with intriguing clues. This became evident when @prismaticwriter shared a photo on Twitter in April 2021, questioning the identities of the two men pictured with Geller and von Braun. Geller clarified by saying, "No, Ingo was not there. In the photo it's Ed Mitchell, Braun, myself, and the man with the black tie who could either be a high-ranking NASA official or a CIA scientific agent."
According to a declassified report Briefing by Stanford Research Institute on Geller's time at SRI, it seemed that they focused on experiments involving perception and physical disturbances. During his time at SRI, Geller was also observed by two representatives from ARPA, the predecessor of DARPA, an agency responsible for researching and developing technologies with military applications such as aerospace programs and advanced materials. A CIA briefing document mentions this observation and questions whether Geller's abilities, whether sensory or extrasensory, could be exploited and taught to others. The memo also suggests that perhaps the presence of the ARPA representatives was related to Moffett's work monitoring NASA contracts.
In his book Forbidden Science, Volume 2, Vallée mentions a meeting on January 6, 1973, between Puthoff, Targ, Ingo, and an aerospace friend of Targ's, where they enjoyed coffee and cake while watching a program about Ancient Astronauts. Interestingly enough, in February of that same year, around the time of the Technical Memorandum, Vallée writes of Puthoff telling him about his recent trip to Washington D.C. where he met with government officials who were investigating UFOs and had discovered prototypes and "real" saucers. It was later revealed that Puthoff's contact in Washington was Sidney Gottlieb, whose brainchild had been the notorious MKULTRA program during his time as chief of the CIA's chemical division within the TSS. Gottlieb had also sponsored subprojects at Cambridge Research Labs. Stephen Kinzer's book Poisoner in Chief describes Gottlieb as a mysterious figure with esoteric knowledge. Now it appears he had also funded SRI's research into remote viewing. This may explain why von Braun's group and the Missile Intelligence Agency were interested in psychokinesis that is, until as Ingo pointed out in the story, the new group, those reverse engineering RV'ers perhaps, took over.
A transparent thing which fades in from nowhere, materializing out of a fog, becomes visible and then dematerializes, disappears, which he describes as an apparition or what he calls an appearance not an object.
In 1992 Ingo wrote an article for FATE Magazine: His poignant message: "Come on, people, we are being kidnapped and genetically farmed." And in Penetration he says, "…supply ship (which he has put in scare quotes, so drawing our attention to this, something he finds disturbing or doesn’t agree with) Earth! Let’s drive over to Earth, go shopping and pick up what we need, that kind of thing." Calling it directly a go-to earth shopping cart.
He is involved with this one because as he says: "Well, I guess you guys, whoever you are, have a problem, and from all I can tell, Earth is under some kind of siege [the let's drive over to Earth and get want we want statement, that is seize things, picks things up, sucks things up, using the image of sucking up water here]. UFOs appear everywhere, are seen by thousands. Yet they are elusive, [noting here that would be hallucinatory, fleeting, transitory, phantom-like] but of concern, and so you are trying to fit the pieces together [not one they know appears at regular intervals]. And I would suppose, too, that you are desperate, enough at least to try to employ psychics to help you out."
So in this case, regarding his UFO story, he is not there to see it, here is telling us that he had been hired as a psychic by a group who were dealing with phantom-like things, inter-dimensional happenings, which takes things and then disappear, noting as he does: "A full part of the problem is that it is a REALITY problem FOR US…That thing is outside my reality-experience, which I note is quite often the case with people who experience this, and so if you keep asking what I sensed, I am quite likely to begin seizing on overlays, things he has experienced before, to explain it to accommodate you."
More on this can be found in the answer to the question below about the RV program looking into UFOs.
Link to the a PDF copy of Issue 18 of eight martinis in which Ingo's FATE Magazine article has been reprinted:
It is possible that there was a group using the RV program to discover non-human information. This could be the same group mentioned by Jacques Vallée in Forbidden Science Volume 2, where Puthoff revealed that they were utilizing "his psychics" to investigate UFOs and locate any potential bases. Perhaps this is who Ingo referred to as "whoever you guys are who have a problem" when it came to tracking elusive UFOs that seemed more like hallucinations, capable of taking objects and people and exerting control over us.
During his research into the alleged cover-up of UFOs, Jim Marrs stumbled upon something intriguing in the world of remote viewing. In his book Psi Spies, he recounts attending an event in 1992 where former Ingo student and Star Gate RV'er Edward Dames, along with John Alexander and Major General Albert Stubblebine of INSCOM, discussed the concept of remote viewing. However, they quickly shifted focus to discussing inhabited underground caverns filled with advanced beings from another dimension who possess "transcendental" energy and have the ability to appear and disappear in our own dimension while accessing our thoughts. Marrs found this revelation fascinating and worth further investigation.
In Jim Schnabel's 1995 article Tinker Tailor Soldier Psi, the precursor to his book on the Remote Viewing program, Schnabel was also researching RV at the same time as Marrs. He mentions that during Dames' time at the Fort Meade unit, rumors started to spread about strange occurrences during remote-viewing sessions, especially those involving advanced training targets.
What exactly were these advanced training targets? It all goes back to Fort Meade and the officer in charge of training and operations, Lt. Frederick Holmes "Skip" Atwater, and the documents he received from Puthoff in the early 1980s (between 1980 and 1982 when Fort Meade ran Grill Flame, Monroe's out-of-body Remote Viewing known as Extended Remote Viewing or ERV). Puthoff himself had obtained these papers from one of his psychics, Pat Price, in 1973 (for more information on Price, see the CRV page of this website.)
In autumn of 1973, as the story goes, Price approached Puthoff with a file containing notes and sketches. The documents claimed that not only did extraterrestrials exist, but they had established four hidden bases on Earth: in the Pyrenees, East Africa, Alaska, and Australia. Price claimed to have psychically accessed these bases and discovered their connection to a main base on Mars. These bases were supposedly intended for reinforcing "B.T.L.s," or between life implants, which are part of Scientology's belief system according to several sources including L. Ron Hubbard's 1952 book Scientology: A History of Man. It has been reported by multiple sources that Price was a member of Scientology at the time, alongside Ingo and Puthoff.
Now in the early 1980s, Puthoff may have been informed of a FBI raid on the Church of Scientology in 1977. According to Vallée, the FBI found materials that led them perhaps to believe Price was being used as a spy against the CIA. It is likely too that Puthoff knew about the CIA's doubts regarding Price's abilities; in 1975, a researcher hired to review Price's work declared his now famous URDF-3 session a failure and questioned where Price was a spy.
Schnabel claims that, in the mid-1970s, Puthoff distanced himself from Scientology and even supported anti-Scientology groups. Despite this change of perspective, he did not get rid of any documents related to Price or Scientology. Instead, he handed them over to Atwater, a respected Army intelligence officer who was more focused on real-world threats like nuclear war and potential conflicts in the Middle East. This decision suggests there may have been something significant within these documents that warranted the risk of exposing them to government agencies. It is possible that Puthoff had some internal support within the clandestine world that gave him confidence in sharing this information.
A letter written by Hubbard to Ingo in December 1974 may hold a clue. By this time, Price was no longer at SRI and had a new CIA handler from West Virginia. Ingo had returned to New York and the program was on hold. In a prior letter written on May 3, 1973, Ingo mentioned two important matters: money being directed towards developing biological automata and mind control systems for questionable reasons by unseen benefactors seeking economic control of the planet; and the existence of other beings on Earth. Later that month, according to multiple sources, Price appeared at SRI.
It was possible that the three of them were working on something important, something beyond the scope of what the CIA was funding. It could be related to the bases discussed by the group within the government that Puthoff had mentioned to Vallée, and how their team of psychics (Ingo and Price) were involved in sorting it out. Perhaps the files given to Puthoff by Price about the four bases were actually notes from sessions conducted by Ingo of someone else, under the direction of this secret group. The files may have been presented through Price's understanding and use of mind control techniques, using terminology such as "implants" commonly used in Scientology.
Revisiting the time before Remote Viewing was made public, Atwater had obtained Price's papers from the years 1980-1982 through Puthoff's assistance. It was Atwater who decided to give RV'ers advanced training targets, not the US government. According to Atwater, these tasks were his own creation and were used to challenge and evaluate RV'ers through strict protocols. These "advanced training targets" were later uncovered by Marrs and Schnabel.
Atwater made a presentation to International Remote Viewing Association, IRVA in 2009 called Project 8200 about these. The promo for this states: "Project 8200 used the next generation of STAR GATE remote viewers in an attempt to verify or refute the information provided by Pat Price."
In 1982, the first task given by Atwater was to Sergeant Joseph McMoneagle, an ERV'er (altered states type of RV) and Chief Warrant Officer. McMoneagle used his RV abilities to explore the Price sites and reported that there were not just four, but additional ones located under the seabed. Following this, Thomas M. McNear, a CRV'er and student of Ingo's, was assigned in May of 1984 to investigate one of these seabed sites. A declassified document confirms this assignment.
According to the Project 8200 presentation, accessible to members of IRVA on their website and also stored within the special collections at UWG, we learn that in February of 1985, CRV practitioners and Ingo's other students William (Bill) Ray and Paul H. Smith were given assignments. They were sent to Mount Hayes, where they discovered similar findings to those described in the Price paper. Worried that he may have influenced them with his knowledge of the Price papers, Atwater put the coordinates in an envelope and gave them to Dames. Dames then passed them on to Melvin Riley, a former Grill Flame ERV'er and now CRV'er First Sergeant in the US Army. It seems that at some point, the group began using CRV for locating targets and ERV for detailed information. Declassified documents show two sessions conducted by Riley with Dames as his monitor; one took place on January 28, 1987, and the other on January 13, 1988. The first session was likely an extension of one conducted in November of 1986; although these files were not included in the declassified ones available through the CIA reading room, they were found in Atwater's personal files.
In the first session, the one from 1986-87, the declassified document Riley labels Description of Personnel Associated with “E. T.” Bases he is being tasked to go to bases on Saturn's Moon Titan, Mount Hayes in Alaska, and somewhere he designates as South America/Africa.
Riley's experience during his remote viewing of Mount Hayes is intriguing. He first sees something and writes the word "robot," followed by "funny looking people." Then he describes a tall, dark building and feels as though he is inside. He notes that there is a platform and describes it as dark, empty, and spacious. On the next page, he writes about feeling a strange energy in his hand, and draws a squiggly line that stands out from his previous drawings. He then mentions seeing people again before suddenly zooming away in a vehicle, with a sensation of being in space. After this, there are no further notes. In additional notes related to this session, but not included in the declassification, Riley has drawn detailed sketches of the area around Mount Hayes, including where he went inside before zooming away into the darkness.
The second declassified document details a remote viewing session from about a year later, where Riley is tasked with viewing something known as the Galactic Federation Headquarters. The session begins in a similar manner as the previous one, with detailed descriptions and drawings of its surroundings. The location appears to be a mountain and its surrounding areas, resembling that of Mount Hayes from the previous year's session. However, he believes he is on another planet or somewhere off-world. Despite this, he proceeds inside.
In his writing, he depicts streams of light cascading down from a tall, vaulted room. Arrows point down towards a body, his own lying on a platform below. He notes that this place feels familiar with an exclamation mark. As if recalling a memory, he describes climbing onto the platform and lying down before being engulfed in a radiant white light shining from above. Suddenly, a cloaked figure steps out from behind the crowd and extends their hand over his solar plexus. Riley breaks away from this recollection with a sense of urgency, feeling as though he should have remembered something important.
It was clear that his physical body was in the same room as Dames during both sessions. However, the real question was what happened to his soul, being, spirit, astral self, or consciousness. It seemed like something had taken a part of him and brought it somewhere for examination. This wasn't the first time either, as he couldn't remember anything from the first time. Strangely enough, he never connected the dots between the two experiences, but his subconscious seemed to be trying to break through. He made comments about things he should have remembered and the place felt oddly familiar.
Riley went into further detail about this in Marrs' Alien Agenda, but at that point, the documents had not yet been declassified in 2003. He described it as a breathtaking location where he felt a sense of peace and tranquility. According to Riley, the Galactic Federation Headquarters was the governing center of this place, located outside of our galaxy. He explained that there were multiple advanced races who had formed a federation and this was their central hub. The term "galactic" was added to encompass all nearby galaxies. Riley's team (it is unclear who exactly wanted to see this controlling authority or how they knew of its existence) was determined to find the source of control and deemed this place as the galactic federation headquarters. It was as if some part of him recognized it, as if he had been there before.
Link the Atwater's 8200 Presentation file within Special Collections at the University of West Georgia.
For Access Contact:
Special Collections, Ingram Library
University of West Georgia
Various documents mentioned above as well as some additional ones are available as PDF downloads in the section below.
For those interested in the thoughts/research from someone trying to unwind the "spy games surrounding the UFO mystery and paranormal activity" namely regarding Star Gate via various blog posts, some dated many years ago, the link is:
This is just a theory...
The team fighting against these beings may have witnessed the events happening to RV'ers sent on missions to "UFO" bases and within the entire program. By the early to mid-1990s, the program had strayed from its original purpose of Remote Viewing (which was also a basis for The Men Who Stare at Goats) and had begun working with practices such as channeling and tarot reading. However, maybe there is some useful information in Marrs’ book Alien Agenda, which includes a quote from RV'er Mel Riley.
"My conclusion is a sad one. Riley wrote. I began this project in search of a new paradigm for researching ufos and aliens and I found it. It had been carefully developed for over 24 years by a group of dedicated people. Though it wasn't used primarily on anomalous targets. What I then found was a couple of space cowboys, drunk in the heart of the temple, destroying the covenant."
Without Riley here to ask, one possible interpretation could be this: Riley was devastated. He had put all his faith in remote viewing as a way to understand and anticipate UFOs and their inhabitants. The protocol had been carefully developed for over 24 years, with the book being published in 1997 (meaning it was created around 1972/73). A dedicated group of people, including Puthoff, Ingo, and others they worked with within a UFO group that Puthoff tells Vallée about, had created it. However, despite its original purpose of studying anomalies, it seems that some members were rogue individuals operating outside of the rules and regulations set forth within the RV program. These "space cowboys" were carelessly drunk in the very heart of the program, potentially influenced by spiritual possession or a holy intoxication. Their actions threatened to destroy the covenant - a crucial undertaking aimed at understanding the true intentions of these beings - therefore rendering Remote Viewing ineffective for its original purpose.
With this knowledge, a plan may have been devised. This is just speculation: Perhaps the RV program would be shut down and discredited in an attempt to divert attention from the real issue that RV was uncovering. The goal would be to keep the public focused on the debate over whether or not RV is legitimate, while the work of dealing with non-human entities carries on behind the scenes under a different operation.
Ingo, more directly, commenting on the discrediting of Remote Viewing said during that Art Bell interview: "You have to really look into what those reasons might be and one of those reasons, in my mind anyway, was that they didn't want to ever have Remote Viewing connected with anything extraterrestrial because you put those two things together and you have a developing situation chains of command don't know how to manage."
So back to the theory...It all starts with the movement of the budgetary responsibility of the program from the DIA to CIA, in preparation for "the plan." This was done in 1994. Next came lots of high level briefings on RV and ETs by those "in the know" including the one documented in a March 1995 declassified SAIC (the successor to SRI) memo, describing how Ingo, by then a ten-year retired RV program veteran, was meeting with well-placed individuals within the intelligence community to discuss ETs. Then following the hiding in plain sight methodology, and without even blinking, on September 20, 1995, two months before national attention would be focused on the secrets spilling out into the media about RV, and nine days ahead of The American Institutes for Research releasing their scathing disavowing of Remote Viewing entitled "An Evaluation of Remote Viewing: Research and Applications," a quiet businessman by the name of Robert Bigelow, a billionaire investor with interwoven ties it seems to the aerospace industry and military complex, established a new venture, one called the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS). The purpose of NIDS was to investigate paranormal anomalies. The biggest one among them, UFOs.
A few months later Jacques Vallée joined NIDS’ board, not long after Puthoff became involved as did Alexander. A decade later, Bigelow would, thanks to his friend Senator Harry Reid, receive $22M of secret funding from the Pentagon. The attention focused here on Earth on properties known for their suspected paranormal (hyper-dimensional) happenings: Mt. Wilson and then Skinwalker Ranch.
Like most of the things Ingo tells us in Penetration, his story about seeing the UFO zip around the sky in Tooele, UT, where his family had moved to when he was in middle school from his childhood home of Telluride, CO, is a metaphor for what really happened to him.
In the mid-1980s, when Ingo's time at SRI was coming to an end, he went back to New York City to dedicate himself to writing and painting. However, he also seemed to be involved in some freelance psychic work. During this time, he began collaborating with Dr. Gerry Epstein on lucid dream exploration. The two became close friends and after Dr. Epstein became ill, his files were given to the Estate. Eventually, they were donated to Ingo's archives at the University of West Georgia with permission from the Epstein family following Dr. Epstein's death. Some of these dreams and accompanying drawings are featured in the book "Resurrecting the Mysterious". Together, they demonstrate Ingo's determination to delve into hidden areas of his mind for insights and expanding consciousness. But there was one memory that stood out among all others and nearly ended his work with Dr. Epstein. It was a recollection of being abducted by a UFO, not as an adult on a hillside in Tooele, UT like he had previously thought, but as a young child in Telluride. In this incident, Ingo remembered being held captive on a spaceship where he endured sexual torture before being returned to his original location. He had no conscious memory of this until it resurfaced during a session on March 18, 1987, and was confirmed during a follow-up session on March 30th of the same year. This traumatic experience caused Ingo deep dread and an aversion to returning to continuing his work with Dr. Epstein unless he could understand why. Due to its graphic nature, the file is not available on this website but can be found in Ingo's archives. For access to Ingo's archives contact: Special Collections, Ingram Library, University of West Georgia,
It does not appear that these being left Ingo alone for also included in these files is a dream recorded by Ingo as happening in 1966. In this dream, Ingo recounts, robed figures knock on his door and want him to go with them but he shouts at them to go away and slams the door in their faces. He woke up feeling it may not have been a dream, but real. Because both Ingo and Dr. Epstein, based on Dr.Epstein's notes, believe this dream is about unlocking Ingo's potential in some way, it is then used as the basis for a waking dream session in December of 1986. In 1988, RV'er Riley engaged in a RV session of what he called the Galactic Federation Headquarters as noted in the RV question/answer above. In this his session, while his body was at Fort Meade in Maryland, his spirit/consciousness was placed on a platform and inspected by a group of robed figures. The similarities between these two experiences suggest that Ingo's suspicion that it was more than just a dream may have been accurate.
Advanced Threat CIA-RDP96-00787R000500150001-2 (pdf)
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