In a letter Ingo wrote, dated May of 1973, now in his archives at the University of West Georgia, he calls out two things: 1) money is being directed to possible biological automata and effective mind control systems as part of questionable motives of invisible benefactors working toward economic control of the planet; and 2) we are not alone on this planet.
In this letter, Ingo is alluding to a group of actors now called Non Human Entities (NHE) or Non Human Intelligence (NHI) and a group of human actors not only in contact via some sort of extrasensory means with them but more dangerously, conspiring with them in the most egregious of ways possible.
In a 1971 erotic novel published under his nom de plume of Hero Haubold, Ingo describes these entities as sadists from another dimension attached to our own (connected via an organization in the book called the World Organization of Perverts); their existence as secret. He narrates how they have been on Earth for centuries, are the adepts of the dark realms, and how their sciences predate the birth of our earthly kings. They can manifest themselves in our dimension, looking like us.
In a 1992 FATE Magazine article Ingo explicitly outlines his thoughts on these entities. He calls their abductions of us "body mind-spiritual rape," details how we are a farm for them, and how our own psychic powers have apparently been kept deliberately undeveloped because they are a weapon against these beings. The article was reprinted in Issue 18 of eight martinis magazine which can be downloaded here:
In his book Penetration, first published by him in 1998, Ingo describes his work with an ultra-secret Men in Black like organization fronted by the enigmatic Mr. Axelrod and the "twins" and encounters with all sorts of entities. His message: these entities have a SERIOUS type of telepathy capable of something dire; a type he names as telepathy plus, one which is beyond being a channel for information exchange, one capable of mind control and scrambling human consciousness. After the book was published, he began to experience terrible headaches and pain in random places throughout his body. He determined he was being psychically attacked and found a way to make some sort of telepathic contact with these entities in order to fend them off. After going through a list from where, Earth, no, space, no, the Moon, no, the Sun, no, he circled the words "another dimension." Despite his efforts, they remained a source of sporadic pain to him for the rest of his life. Several of his sorting out the psychic attack notes are in his archives at the University of West Georgia.
But these were not the first he encounters, that doorway may have been opened long before, with something he did or did for someone or someones. This from the interview with Art Bell in the year 2000 (1:27:58):
ART BELL: "I am told Ingo as carefully as the, uh, protocols were structured in the military program...that other things began to creep in..."
INGO: "Sure."
ART BELL: "That other things began to be sensed, entities, um..."
INGO: "Right."
ART BELL: "That is right?"
INGO: "Of course..."
This may be the basis, or even from a time before, of his ongoing encounter with what in the session notes below he describes as an agent of a black war, a curse, leftover.
For an explanation as to how this page of the website fits into the narrative of Ingo's life, please see the note on the Home page about his book Penetration.
Belk, of the Belk department store family, was the founder of the Belk Research Foundation, prior to that he was in Naval Intelligence.
"...unofficially you had gotten the word that really the conclusion I think was that it was a parallel dimension that the UFOs themselves appear to be a part of."
"...I do know that they exist because I’ve talked to people in our own government about it. They’ve been known by every president of the United States since Truman. The whole thing has been controlled by NSA – National Security Administration – at Fort Meade, Maryland. Now the CIA is under the jurisdiction of the NSA. They operate on a black budget, billions of dollars."
Once you have been pierced by an angel's horn, there is no turning back. You must wear a suit of a thousand voices, adorned with nebulas, stars, and planets, tightly fitted to your body. You must also wield the scarlet cape of a dangerous life. A strange poetry will consume your mind and soul, raging violently through cities and planes of existence. The killer can be a savior, the savior a deadly killer; the lover can be an energy, and energy a macabre lover; a puritan can be the vilest deviate while the deviate may be an honest puritan; a spiritualist can be a devil and a cardinal may be a pervert. Even within the distance, a holy throne is blocked by stalled spiritual traffic jams as representatives clung to faith like lampposts and indulge in various dogmas. In another distance stands a dark pyramid where adepts, hierophants, magicians, and enchanters compete for power by preying on each other's beliefs, all preoccupied with draining each other. A pyramid of spiritual vampires!
-- Pink Neon, unpublished
That is certainly a good question, one we may never know the answer to, but perhaps there are hints and clues?
The concept of utilizing "extra-sensory" means to communicate with other beings has existed for eons and has been present in various cultures. However, it became more popular in the Western world through movements like Spiritualism/Mediumism and Theosophy, which gave rise to the New Age movement. This movement also brought about the contactee experience. Among Ingo's inner circle was his partner in planetary exploration, Harold Sherman, who was involved in the Urantia contactee movement. Another notable figure was Andrija Puharich, a researcher for the US Army's Extrasensory Perception (ESP) program and his Council of Nine.
And what is interesting about all of this is the US Government’s possible foray into this realm seemingly under the guise of parapsychology. A 1977 CIA declassified document entitled Psychology in Intelligence: A Personal Review and Conclusions by Kenneth Kress points toward a more specific interest: "Anecdotal reports of extrasensory perception (ESP) capabilities have reached the U.S. national security agencies at least since World War II when Hitler was said to rely on astrologers and seers. Suggestions for military applications of ESP continued to be received after World War II. For example, in 1952 the Department of Defense [DoD] was lectured on the possible usefulness of extra sensory perception in psychological warfare. Over the years, reports continued to accumulate." (Note, all referenced declassified documents are available for download below.)
In 1952, something significant was happening in the field of parapsychology, particularly for psychological warfare. To understand what exactly was going on, we must go back to a lecture referenced by Kress, which was not actually given at the Department of Defense but rather at a presentation to the Pentagon Research Branch under the Office of the Chief of Psychological Warfare. The presenter was Puharich, who had been exploring the connection between ESP and other vibrational levels for about three years through his Round Table Foundation's use of a Faraday Cage (which he built himself) with medium Eileen Garrett. Garrett claimed to have a spiritual controller named Uvani, and this foundation would later be linked to the Council of Nine as well as to wealthy and well-connected individuals known as the East Coast Elite. This idea of events occurring at different vibrational levels seemed to greatly interest the clandestine world of the US Government, as it even came up in their notorious mind control program, MKULTRA, run by the CIA.
MKULTRA's purpose was the research and development of chemical, biological, and radiological materials for use in clandestine operations by the CIA to control human behavior aka using drugs and other exotic methods to take possession of people’s minds. It had run for twenty-two years, until its illegal activities had been exposed in the wake of the Watergate break-in. Of MKULTRA’s known 149 subprojects, there are two specifically which centered on ESP: numbers 83 and 136. What documents do remain from these two subprojects have been declassfied, albeit heavily redacted. However, there are some important clues which did not succumb to the heavy black pen, namely, parts of the proposals and some information as to who the contractor, that is the main researcher, might be.
Taking the language straight from a declassified proposal document attached to Subproject 136 (itself a follow up to Subproject 83 which was funded to understand among other things, psychic phenomena and extrasensory perception, subliminal perception, and hypnosis):
"In working with individual subjects, special attention will be given to dissociative states, which tend to accompany spontaneous ESP experiences. Such states can be induced and controlled to some extent with hypnosis and drugs. Some of this work will make use of qualitative stimuli, such as drawings and ideas with special associations. … But the main consideration will be the attitude and general disposition of the subject. Wherever possible, every attempt will be made to tailor the tasks required to his preferences and his estimate of good working conditions. In one case the experimental procedure will be designed to achieve favorable motivation by such devices as instructing him that he is participating in a study of subception. In other cases drugs and psychological tricks will be used to modify his attitudes. The experimenters will be particularly interested in dissociative states, from the abaissement de niveau mental [a reduced state of consciousness/attention] to multiple personality in so-called mediums, and an attempt will be made to induce a number of states of this kind, using hypnosis."
That would mean the underpinning of secret ESP research under MKULTRA rests with the desire, whatever it takes, drugs, sleep deprivation, hypnosis, extreme conditions, things bordering on torture, the very things the vast array of MKULTRA’s mind control research itself was concerned with, to elicit a mediumistic state, or perhaps it should be called forced channeling, by any means necessary. So, who would want to force people to be channelers, and to whom?
As to the contractor, by comparing extremely similar language, methods, goals, and titles between Subproject 136’s heavily redacted proposal and a study which was categorized as unclassified and published in 1963, entitled “Testing for Extrasensory Perception With a Machine” by the Defense Documentation Center for Scientific and Technical Information, it appears this work on ESP first under Subproject 83 and then 136, was done at Cambridge Research Laboratories, Office of Aerospace Research, United States Air Force, the Air Force’s premier research laboratory focused on high altitude technology, communications, and electronic signals. But why would Air Force researchers be interested in if necessary torturing people into being channelers? Could it in any way be related to the fact that as Subproject 136 was underway in 1961/1962, the Air Force was up to their eyeballs with “the flyer saucer problem” which they were “managing” under Project Blue Book.
Project Blue Book was terminated in 1969 with the group ultimately determining there was no evidence indicating that sightings categorized as “unidentified” were extraterrestrial vehicles. Was this the Air Forces’ way of telling us something, that is tell us the truth but in a misdirectional sort of way? We read that as not from out of this world, but could it be the Air Force knew these vehicles were in fact from someplace else, something with a terrestrial in it just not the extra part? A good pointer for that would be what the person heading up Project Blue Book said about these vehicles after Project Blue Book shut down. And that would be one Allen Hynek, astronomer and professor, and his theory about UFOs and otherworldly beings: they are inter-dimensional aka things happening at another vibrational level.
As Ingo was quoted as saying in an April 1973 Psychic Magazine article: "We have to establish greater senses in order to establish a reality for these things that exist at other places."
From his book Penetration: "They're dangerous. Be careful!"
In addition to his overall narrative that such beings are highly dangerous, Ingo said the Remote Viewing (RV) protocol requires feedback or its not RV (in fact his direct quote about this is at the end of this section).
With viewers seeking contact with non human entities, they will likely never receive any feedback. How does one determine the accuracy/efficacy of the viewing? Will there begin to be a complied database of inaccurate RV data as our belief structure for these beings? Jacques Vallée called it a false belief system.
From a strictly RV protocol perspective, Ingo would warn us to be careful of incorporating RV data that may or many not be accurate within databases of accurate, concrete data. He would say any database of false data corrupts the entire database, and it no longer benefits anyone.
Jim Schnabel's 1997 book Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, says when Ingo was asked to psychically spy on entities with in UFOs, Ingo said he would not as he feared they would spy on him, invade him, and possess his soul. However, Schnabel does mention that despite Ingo's denials, he had in fact been officially tasked with such targets. With this in mind, it sounds like the reverse spying and invading him is what Ingo encountered when he did try to do so.
Not surprisingly, Ingo addressed this very thing in a separate article in FATE Magazine, this time in 1993, decades ago, (using the term extraterrestrial for NHE). For reference this article has been reprinted in eight martinis magazine, Issue 18. A link to a free PDF copy is:
Excerpted from the article...
A growing number of people are claiming to use their remote-viewing powers to penetrate UFOs and extraterrestrial motives, goals, and civilizations. Remote-viewing is apparently being thought of as a new, better psychic ability that certain Earthside individuals claim to have achieved, and advertise that with it they are achieving novel, intimate, and true “viewings” (i.e., sightings) into Spaceside ET affairs. This new confusion is added to the other confusing imbroglios that characterize the UFO “situation” (governmental-military cover-ups, irresponsible scientific debunking, and UFO-community leadership disputes). I’ve been intimately involved in remote-viewing developments for over 20 years. Many people send me alleged ET “remote- viewing” reports, and seek me out to ask what I think about this new situation-including the editors of FATE, who have asked me to say something about it.
Along this line of thinking, it is worth wondering how many of those claiming to remote-view ETs bothered to look up remote-viewing’s definition in the parapsychological literature. If they had, then they might have thought twice about claiming to be remote-viewers... anyone claiming to be a remote-viewer, or claiming to remote-view ETs and UFOs is a sophister, one who has artfully but insidiously muddled up the established definition of remote-viewing...
Summing it up, he says, directly:
Remote-viewing is composed of a five-part protocol, and when any one of the five parts are omitted (such as confirmatory feedback), then what has taken place is something else other than remote-viewing.
While Ingo may have been obligated to refer to these beings as extraterrestrials, his understanding of them aligned more with that of his good friend and fellow paranormal investigator, John Keel, who classified them as ultra-terrestrials.
The term ultra-terrestrials, coined by Keel, suggests that supposed alien "visitors" to Earth may actually be from an advanced civilization from another order of existence. According to Keel's theory, there are two groups of ultra-terrestrials: those who resided on Earth before humans arrived and those who placed humans here in the first place. Both groups have the ability to manipulate and influence humans due to our energetic connection to a larger source.
Keel referred to the group already on Earth as the Omega Group, known for spreading greed, racism, and violence. In Japanese lore, they are called Yōkai, while in Chinese legends, they are known as Yaoguai. Islamic texts refer to them as Djinn. These beings are believed to have the ability to shapeshift into physical forms in our dimension. In Western culture, they are often seen as sprites, fairies, leprechauns, genies, giants, orcs, goblins, Lizard people, aliens, or extraterrestrials.
Ingo probably found their biblical reference, demons, to be the most helpful in understanding them and their motives. That being said, at the same time, Ingo would say he believed some acted as angels, guides, and protectors too, himself experiencing a life-saving interaction with one such being as a child (a narration of this event is included in Stardust Highways). Regardless, wherever they fall on the spectrum, he knew they all could be tricksters.
Yes, Ingo, when questioned, in his interview published in Psychic Magazine in 1973, if he had any experiences with so-called discarnates, said, "I have been aware of other beings around who are not inhabiting bodies but I don‘t think of them in terms of ghosts or people who have gone to higher elevations or anything like that...They seem to be very tortured individuals."
It is believed that he first encountered these beings during his childhood, as evidenced by his encounter with an entity described as an "angel." His other documented interactions are: those psychic attacks which persisted until the end of his life; with a group called the Daughters of Ma (the information on this was also part of eight martinis magazine, Issue 18); those recorded in his book Penetration. But they may not have been his only interactions.
In his serial online autobiography, Remote Viewing: The Real Story (RVRS), he explains that he took courses at both the Anthroposophy Center and the Arcane School during the early 1960s. Anthroposophy was developed by Rudolf Steiner, who had previously been a Theosophist with the ability to see and communicate with spiritual realms. This belief system centers around the concept of connecting with these realms, and acknowledges the existence of spiritual beings within them. The Arcane School, according to Ingo's writing, was established by Alice Bailey, another prominent figure in Theosophy. She is often considered to be Madame Blavatsky's successor and her teachings form the basis for this school, which aims to spread a "Great Universal Plan" determined by a hierarchy of spiritual masters. It is likely that Ingo learned methods of mediumship at both of these institutions.
Nick Cook, in his book The Hunt for Zero Point, attaches the label medium to Ingo having neither met nor interviewed him at this point. Did Cook perchance pick this up from interviewing someone from Ingo’s SRI days? Ingo was alive when this book was published and made no effort to correct it. A clue as to why the term and why Ingo did not correct it might be found perhaps in a letter to Ingo from Brendan O’Regan now in Ingo’s archives at University of West Georgia. Tracing this back, we find a clue from RVRS. Here Ingo tells us one of the first people he was introduced to at SRI was Stanford professor, scientist, futurologist, and a few years down the road the first president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), Willis Harman. In RVRS, Ingo notes, "I had no idea who Harmon [sic] was. Eli [Puthoff's assistant] explained that he was one of the pillars of SRI, with his own staff and building at SRI, and office in Washington, D.C., and that he was connected to the highest places everywhere possible." Harman will connect Ingo with his friends Al Hubbard, MKULTRA operative, described as having introduced thousands of scientists, politicians, intelligence officials, diplomats, and church figures to LSD, and Brendan O’Regan, IONS future first Director of Research. According to Jack Sarfatti, O'Regan was part of a complicated but effective covert psychological warfare operation run by Harold Chipman, the CIA station chief responsible for all mind-control research in the Bay Area in the 1970s.
As the letter attests and documents, Ingo performed what amounts to a channeling session for O’Regan on April 2, 1973, while they both were still at SRI. Occurring at Ingo’s Palo Alto apartment in the middle of the night, closer to dawn than midnight, it was, it seems, quite impromptu, following a heavy dinner itself shadowed by the consumption, mainly by Ingo, of lots of brandy. This interaction is of particular note given two things: 1) the earlier and supposedly shut down clandestine work being done on ESP via MKULTRA noted at the top this page; and 2) Ingo's aforementioned May 1973 letter describing what he had “uncovered.“
We must carefully search for these clues, as Ingo was not able to directly reveal them. Instead, he cleverly hid them in plain sight. But who prevented him from sharing this information? It appears that Penetration was not the only book he published with encoded clues; his 1978 work, Star Fire, also contains many more hints. In this book, he makes it clear who is preventing him from fully disclosing what he knows through a brief background story. A fictional company called Drake Broadcasting Systems (which author Drake dedicated to Ingo) is taken over by Sandmuller (a stand-in for the powerful figures controlling the world) in a hostile takeover. As Drake Broadcasting Systems represents Ingo's desire to share rare knowledge or broadcast the truth, its absorption and destruction symbolize how those in power silence individuals like Ingo while they continue their climb towards global domination.
Although they are hidden in plain sight, we must do some mental work to decode who they are and when he interacted with them. Below are but just a few:
Clue #1
Regarding the Men in Black Axelrod and inter-dimensional beings, which are dangerous:
About this Ingo wrote: "In this somewhat less than open manner began a chain of mind-boggling affairs which excited me on the one hand, yet ultimately made me QUIVER as if I suddenly found myself standing between two realities neither of which seem quite real." As to where this was specifically, this in between two realities, it consisted of beginning with a call which jolted him out of a sound sleep at "about three in the morning." The time of 3:00am to 4:00am is known as the witching hour, when the barrier between our physical realm and the spiritual realm is the weakest, when witches, demons, and ghosts are thought to not only appear but be the most powerful. Those who experience such things happening at 3:00am or so, associate them with being "jolted" from a sound sleep.
Knowing this perhaps his travel to the underground secret liar of the Men in Black Axelrod and "the twins" and his escapades with and involving them, should be read not as a physical journey but rather a guided psychical one, one we can readily identify when Ingo uses a specific code word: green. The sight of something green has often been reported with unexplained ghost lights, orbs, and Earthly spirits. So well acquainted are we at the subconscious level with the connotation of green for these "NHEs" that the TV show I Dream of Jeannie, about a genie or Djinn in a bottle, for its early shows, used a dark smoke-green bottle as her bottle, with TV Guide in 1965 referring to it as the "green bottle." Whenever Ingo describes something that is happening and that happening is preceded by or includes a report by Ingo of something green, he has just alerted us he has entered the realm of the NHEs. One caveat to this, when he uses the descriptor of olive-green for the jumpsuit, in this case, he is referencing someone from or attached to the US military.
For example, Ingo relates, he saw a green haze and green lights when on the "Moon." As he "penetrates" deeper psychically, Ingo called out, "the place was dark. The 'air' was filled with a fine dust, and there was some kind of illumination—like a dark lime-green fog or mist." It is here Ingo saw naked men digging but is spotted psychically by these beings. Ingo then raised a question about this to Axelrod, but we can read as a rhetorical statement, "You already know they are psychic, don’t you?... that they have some kind of, uh, telepathy, that they can trace where this psychic probe is coming from?" Ingo proceeded to drill down into this: "They FELT something. Not particularly ME. But SOMETHING…. And! THEY knew what the ripple meant. Like a sort of penetration of where they were."
As to the nude workers, Ingo had previously identified them in his 1971 Hero Haubold erotic tale: Their bases: they have a network of underground installations which are enormous, with thousands of workers and soldiers, often nude, all of whom are busy performing duties which seem to have no purpose. They can move quickly between bases.
Clue #2
What he would have elaborated on in Penetration regarding these inter-dimension beings:
He tells us indirectly: "The bottom line: We are not alone—and some ultra-secret, presumably a governmental agency, goddamned well knew it! ... I began to see why Mr. Axelrod’s group, if they themselves were not extraterrestrials [NHE] (as I wondered at times) was ultra-secret and came and went under changing subterfuges of one kind or another.…Perhaps there was a space [inter-dimensional] opera going on in which two different sets of extraterrestrial [inter-dimensional] troops were fighting some kind of war here on Earth—while both at the same time were somehow ensuring that HUMANS never realize that they, themselves, are psychic."
Clue #3
The date on his Moon sketches.
He tells us the Moon is full, opposite the Sun, and is just setting in the West. In the book proper he included his sketches with the date of March 18, 1975 written on them. A quick check of an ephemeris online shows that on March 18, 1975, the Moon was a waxing crescent; it would not be full until March 27th. If Ingo was anything, he was a master of astrology, even in 1975, and even more so when he was writing Penetration in the mid-late 1990s. By that point in his life, a significant part of his library included a wide range of rare and esoteric books on astrology and numerous ephemerises. If Ingo wanted to make sure his story was airtight, he certainly would have gotten his astrological details in sync. The fact that he did not, together with the purposefully use the date of March 18th, is, well, a clue.
In checking the Moon calendar in March from 1958 to 1999, there are only two times the Moon was full on a March 18th: 1973 and 1992. Those are two very interesting years: 1973 was when Ingo suggested Scanate and the whole clandestinely funded Remote Viewing program got off the ground, not to mention it is the same year of that or perhaps those channeling sessions he did and his subsequent letter disclosing what he had uncovered; and 1992 was when Ingo's article about the dangers of NHEs, what he called ETs, appeared in FATE Magazine.
Did he, by signifying a full Moon, when things are fully illuminated, with these two years, in a roundabout way via the use of the date March 18th, direct us to something, something important, perhaps in a hidden in plain sight way: that is connecting psychic research, particularly at SRI, to dangerous NHEs? An intriguing clue to that comes from a declassified document found on the CIA website and labeled CIA-RDP96-00787R000100150001-6 ( In late July 1972, newly collaborating Drs. Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ, in addition to their other funding sources, submitted a grant application entitled “Techniques to Enhance Extraordinary Human Perception,” to the US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, the post MKULTRA funding front for CIA’s experiments in human behavior which involve any type of control mechanism, i.e., drugs and hypnosis. Part of their, although Targ is identified as the lead, proposed research involves using hypnosis to enhance ESP and the use of Puharich’s Faraday cage to enhance ESP; the very instrument Puharich would put mediums into. (Could this have been an extension/continuation of MKULTRA Subproject 136???) The funding is to run from October 1, 1972, to October 1, 1973.
Clue #4
The "woman" in the supermarket as detailed in "The Event in Los Angeles," Chapter Seven of Penetration. First of all it wasn't a sexy woman, but that is a story for another time, a very scary one at that, one that has a profound impact on our understanding of reality as it is really a story about what "they" are up to and are capable of.